How to quit a guy

How to quit a guy

If you understand that your relationship has completely exhausted yourself that you simply do not see the future with this person, you will have to part. Just call or send an SMS with the text "I decided that we could no longer be together" or "It's time for us to part" will be very cruel to a person with whom you spent so much time together, who else left for you. How to part beautiful?

Prepare it to parting with your cold attitude. For example, doubt the kisses, reduce the meetings to a minimum, and on the on which you agree, be removed, thoughtful. He will not immediately understand what is happening, because men have no amazing female intuition, but will begin to think about what is with you.

Talking about parting is better to be held with the preparation for it. To begin with, let us know the guy by the day, for example, that in the evening you want to talk to him seriously. Let him have time to think and tune in. Most likely, he will all understand or will guessed about the subject of the conversation, so your conversation will not be so painful.

Tactics of talking - calm and facts. First of all, think about what you will talk. For example, that feelings cooled and then it makes no sense to pull so as not to spoil the nerves and the life of each other. But about the fact that you have someone else, even if it is, it's not worth talking. Also, you do not need to be explained on elevated colors and reproach in past errors. With this you only aggravate and so an unpleasant parting process. Try to tell him that he is good, but the feelings went somewhere. His guilt in this is not, it just happened.

If a calm conversation does not work, take the blame for yourself. The guys are easier to accept that the girl is to blame for the wrong relationship, and not they themselves. Tell me that you need time to sort out yourself that he is the best and will surely meet his half. And you just want to be alone, but absolutely not against friendly relationships. Of course, he is unlikely to first want to communicate, however, when and his feelings are cool, you can really become best friends.

Tell me "No!" kisses and hugs. If you just start to show emotions during an important conversation, sorry and comfort him, then the guy will think that the whole conversation is false, and your feelings have really not yet cooled. Just this conversation from the series of "female skulling". In this case, two options may be:

  • everything will end with sex and even big problems;
  • he will think that not everything is lost and starts to care, and you will have to start a conversation again.

Try not to delay the meeting. First, so chances to talk nonsense will be minimized, and, secondly, the adequate person is enough for two phrases to understand everything. If your now ex-beloved begins to behave inadequately, the more it is worth turning around and leave.

Throw the guy is beautiful not so simple. But if you all succeed, you can really be real friends in the future, because you know a lot about each other.

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