How to decide on divorce

How to decide on divorce

Some people are trying at any cost to preserve the family due to the presence of joint children, housing, common loans, pity for the partner, etc. How to decide on divorce, if you definitely understand that you will not be able to save the relationship? You will be helped by the following advice.

Think well, do you really want to part with a man. Take the leaf and write that it is not suitable for you. Also write it good and nice sides. Be sure to talk with him about the established problems in a relaxed and soft manner. Tell him that you can no longer live in an old, and if in the near future the situation will not change - give a divorce. If a person values \u200b\u200brelationships, he will try to make concessions. If not - the conclusion is obvious. Such relations do not make sense.

If you know exactly what you want to put a relationship with the end, do not chop off the shoulder. Give yourself a little time on reflections. Think about how you will live after a divorce. Well think about where you will live, what to do with whom to communicate. Build plans for the future and do not be afraid of problems. You need time to let go of the past and tune in to parting, and at the same time thinking how to inform your spouse about it. But it's not worth tightening too long. Determine the timing.

Many people are afraid of loneliness and think that they will not be able to meet the soul mate. The mood is very important here - if you consider yourself unworthy of the best relationship, you will not get them. Your chosen one can meet in adulthood. And if not (which is very doubtful), you can still fill your life with bright colors and make it continued beautiful. Customize yourself to positive - and the universe will definitely provide you with a chance to be happy.

If you are afraid of losing regular sex, remember that over time he will leave life and only spiritual proximity will remain. Do you want your old age to be filled with doom and loneliness just because one day you could not decide to change everything? Imagine your relationship in five, ten, thirty years. Are you ready to build up and die with a person who is not really your real satellite of life? Answers to these questions will allow you to make a right decision.

It is also worth thinking about children. If you try to preserve the relationship for the integrity of the family, the children will take fake relationships for the sample and will consider them absolutely normal. Do not learn yourself and your children for life without love. If your life is no longer happiness, what are you afraid of? Parting will become an excellent reason for new features and change in a positive side.

Stop pierce yourself and your chosen one. Together you got experience, but could not build relationships because they did not fit each other. Your care should help him also start a new life. It is not necessary to completely overturn communication. You can save friendly relationships and support each other. Immediately after the divorce it will be hard, but in perspective - a great option.

It often happens so that a person is hard to look at himself and give himself some kind of advice. Emotions are very much. It makes sense to visit the family psychologist. An experienced specialist will help you to direct thoughts in the right direction so that you can take the right decision on your own. Enjoy the support of friends and relatives. After the divorce, it will be very important.

At the right moment, calmly and gently inform the spouse about your decision and about its causes. The reaction largely depends on the nature of your relationship. Be prepared for the fact that he can get angry or completely get into himself. Give him time to think about everything and accept the situation. If you have children, make sure that they are not near at that moment.

Hear your inner voice and understand that you really need. Perhaps you can still save relationships, but if you do not need it - fight for your happiness. It will be appropriate to remember the Walter Charket quote: "Start everything from scratch is not madness. Madness - pretend to be happy, pretend what exactly this strap you should pull all your life. "

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