How to be with a former husband

How to be with a former husband

This is asked by the overwhelming majority of fair sex representatives, once survived the divorce. Those times have long passed when the rupture of official relations caused a storm of indignations, condemnation and rejection in society. Now this fact includes if not with understanding, then with indifference, as something ordinary and forgoing. For others it is only an annoying misunderstanding, which you can not say about the participants of the marriage of the marriage. It is calmly surviving it only to units, especially for women. There are a lot of questions, the main of which is precisely this one - how to be with a former husband.

If you humble and get used to the word "former", many are obtained from many, then not all can be achieved with this very person, good or at least neutral relations. Often, this is because a woman, without sobering in his feelings, sensations and desires regarding the former partner, however, striking all the points with him. Naturally, nothing positive from such a dialogue will be released. To begin with, decide whether you really want to continue with your ex-husband Communication or you just overwhelm the insult and shortness, and you are looking for a meeting with him only in order to spill everything that has accumulated. If the first option, then give yourself a little time so that all negative feelings lay down, and you could rationally think and own your emotions. Then you can lead with a former faithful constructive dialogue, which will be the beginning of new, but not aggressive relationships. If you are closer to the second option, you can finally express everything you think, and loudly slam the door, but it is hardly much easier for you. Think if you need this one, let the last but scandal.

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In each case, the relationship between the divorced spouses is unique, and that is why there is no universal behavior model. The nature of the relationship can affect the nature of the divorce, and the presence of children or the same common property, common affairs, your ability to forgive and much more. But you just need to understand that there is no longer a former husband, nor the situation, but your attitude to everything is really possible. Before building these new relationships, realize what you want from them and wait, and then act. Do not confuse your desires with children or parents' requirement, these are individual topics. And also be patient because you will need to work on yourself, with your feelings. Do not dock in the past, whatever it is, you live here and now. At meetings not only do not make a husband for something, but also try less to remember even joyful joint moments of life, at least the first time. Just because it can be for both of them, will make awkwardness. Speak about pressing issues or on neutral topics.

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Try to start this relationship with a clean leaf. Forgive yourself and for everything, and sincerely. After all, not only the negatives are in your divorce, so think about the pros. Do not try to deceive him and do a good mine with a bad game, it will immediately feel it, if only because there is an energy connection between you. It is better to post your communication a little. Come with your ex-husband correctly and politely. You do not need to start with him to measure the success achieved in your life. Remember that now you do not have the right to command, therefore you do not mean to dictate anything, it is better to argue your point of view by a particular question. If he does not burn with the desire to communicate now with you, do not insist, everything can change. Of course, if you do not have to hide. Even if there are joint children, communicate with you or not - his choice. With a child, do not talk about him bad, it is better not to be anyone. Do not do this and in a circle of mutual friends.

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Do not attempt to prove anyone prematurely that a bad husband is a bad dad. Do not limit his communication with children. In no case do not argue and do not swear at your tea, it will not be worse, but baby. To continue relations with his parents or not - to solve only you, but do not speak about it unflattering with them. Do not comprehend yourself, and even more so do not try to cause pity for the former, it does not establish a relationship, but can lead to dislike. Try not to discuss your or his personal life, it will be unpleasant to both. Do not express negative about his new passion. Do not arrange confrontation, look for a common language, albeit by small errors. Life is ahead of the long, and much more pleasant through the Annal number of years to nursing grandchildren than to be on different sides of the barricades.

Understand and remember that divorce only seems end of the world. In reality, this is a very painful birth of a new, unusual life stage. And only you depends on how it will be.

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