How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings

How to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings

It doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman, but each of them will not be able to hide their feelings for a long time. This is exactly the same as hiding the eyes behind the palms from the blinding sun. One careless movement and these rays, are similar to strong feelings, will escape and let them know. There are cases when a woman is not found with a certain man, but they see, as colleagues, fellow students, friends or just familiar. However, there is something incomprehensible in him and his behavior, naturally, each will want to find out: what is it, maybe love?

The main reasons why men can hide their feelings

  • Does not want to look weak.
  • Married.
  • Afraid to be rejected.
  • It believes that his age is not suitable for this.
  • He himself did not expect that this will happen to him.

Signs that a man is in love

All men are different - by education, psychotic, upbringing, horoscope, habitat. This affects their behavior, but still there are general features that can give a loved. For example, a bold handsome suddenly became embarrassed and sweetered, and a calm botany is ready to jump into a snowdrift from the roof. In two these cases, the diagnosis is one - love.

Signs of a loved man trying to pretend that it is indifferent:

  • Sight.
  • Behavior.
  • Appearance.

By view

It wants this man or not, but love forces it at the first convenient opportunity to look at his beloved woman. An exception can only be in one case - he is an employee of secret services, has a huge power of will and psychological training. Well, let's seriously, sooner or later you will notice his secret views that he will try to hide from you.

  • Does not look into your eyes, but the secretly watches you.
  • His look is constantly confused.
  • In his eyes sparkles happy shine.
  • A man looks at you a spark, at the same time lifts slightly eyebrows.

By behavior

Unstable behavior can give a man. He is trying to find a reason by any way to stay close to you. It proposes to help in something, comes up with some joint work, suddenly finds two tickets to the cinema or another place and, of course, offers you to go there together. Either disappears for several days, does not ring and does not write.

  • A man is trying to please all.
  • Interested in your life.
  • Shows care.
  • Supports your opinion with which clearly disagrees.
  • Trying to pay attention.
  • Following unreasonable jealousness.
  • In your company feels uncertain.

By appearance

The man fallen in love is definitely begins to enjoy. Macho will buy a few brand things, steep hours and pairs of shoes, and the one that never paid attention to the fashion will sharply begin to follow her. Each of them will often look at himself in the mirror, pleases with the new toilet water, goes down to the hairdresser.

If you notice the above-described signs in a man familiar, look at it carefully, for sure it fell in love with you. You can make counter attention if you admit the future development of relationships. If not - let me understand that nothing to do with you can not be, but do not hurt him, do not go silently and rudeness.

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