How to behave with a man

How to behave with a man

A man and woman understand the importance of relations in different ways. For a man at first, the bulk role is played by the external component - the attraction, proximity, the opinion of friends about its chosen, a sense of self-importance. For a woman, it is much more important to build a solid alliance in which a man will take care, understanding, consistency and will be faithful in feelings.

How to behave with a man to draw up a harmonious pair, in which your chosen one will feel the noble knight and be proud of what you preferred to him.

How to behave with a man - watch out the appearance

The standards of "beauty" of women can not be - the desire to be always in good shape, have well-groomed skin, hands and hair should be the basis of your relationship to life. You can argue as much as you like to choose a natural beauty, but with age you must pay your appearance more and more time to stay beautiful, feminine and desired. This applies to both new relationships, and to a greater extent will help to maintain the admiration and love of your partner. In fact, the rules are extremely simple:

  • skin care, hair removal;
  • regular manicure and pedicure;
  • well-groomed hair;
  • the ability to use decorative cosmetics and perfume;
  • beautiful clothes and style in the choice of clothing;
  • right Speech - Avoid rough and slang words.

How to behave with a man - to show care

You do not need to understand this advice literally, and become a nanny for his men, but also to be in a relationship capricious princess unacceptable.

  • You must learn to ignore the needs of his partner, showing pertinent participation and understanding, whether it is requested to prepare his favorite meal or experiment in bed.
  • Listen carefully to the man and try to show interest in the conversation, even if he shares the impressions of the football match. Neggrerying his hobbies over time will not have his desire to share with you anything.
  • Pay attention to your dwelling - clean and comfort in the house are an integral background of your life.
  • Support your beloved in difficult situations and never criticize in the presence of outsiders.
  • Show sincere thanks for the help, a gift or a weekend in place - you will understand how much appreciate his attention.

How to behave with a man - respect your personal space

The mistake of many women is complete dissolved in relations with a man, although before exploring the beloved you were quite an independent person with their interests and hobbies. This behavior of characteristic of female nature is to be "for her husband", sometimes refusing his own opinions and desires. But even more incorrect to force a partner to turn into your property. With such a "leash", a respected man runs away very quickly.

  • Let the partner have time and opportunities for the hobby, even if you do not share it preferences.
  • Do not arrange scenes if he wants to spend time in a male company.
  • Do not call infinitely with the question "Where are you?" And do not ask the report on each step.
  • Do not try to read his personal messages in the phone or social networks, do not check its calls.
  • Do not speak dismissively about his friends or relatives.

How to behave with a man - stop finding and whining

Wife, leading himself daily like the born, is able to withstand only a male rag. Do you need such? The joint life is sometimes complicated and is in many ways annoying, but it is necessary to learn to distinguish the little things that you tomorrow and do not remember, from serious offense.

  • If you want to express some complaints, think well before starting the conversation. Talk calmly without screaming and hysterics and express your vision of the problem and solutions.
  • Do not cling to trifles and do not turn your life into constant hell of discontent. Even if both partners get used to daily quarrels, it is impossible to name a happy such life.
  • Do not complain about children, neighbors, weather, lack of attention, new clothes, gifts, recreation, etc. A negative look at everything around tires and makes life unbearable.

How to behave with a man - let me be a man

What might look more sorry than a hidden and nervous husband who is not capable of independent decisions and actions without the consent of his wife. In fact, such a situation is often encountered when the domineering temperament of his wife suppresses a calmer character of her husband. Such a couple does not cause respect, and a man often hates her the second half.

  • Respect the male dignity of the partner and let him take the main decisions in your family. You can discuss the situation, advise, but never should be openly crushed and blackmail.
  • Do not try to dismiss your husband, making a man's work home - duties in the family must be distributed. Do not make the spouse wash the dishes and iron underwear, but also do not trigger to the current cranes or the fallen picture. Nails and hammer is a male matter.
  • Do not let yourself phrases like "you can not do anything", "From you there is no sense," "Do not climb, I myself causing."
  • Never compare the spouse with my husband friends, if the comparison is not in his favor.
  • Do not criticize the work that he fulfilled - whether it is repairs in the apartment, the furniture assembly or the construction of a country house. Even if you are not completely satisfied with the result - manifest a sense of humor.

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