How to behave when scandal

How to behave when scandal

If you have become an eyewitness of the scandal, turned out to be involved in it or in every way provoke to the conflict, the main thing is to know exactly how in such a situation you need to behave correctly.

If you are deliberately trying to provoke on the scandal (while the interlocutor is very negatively configured), try to keep calm, do not give in to the wave of irritation and restrain the growing of anger (your and instigator of the conflict). Do not allow moral indignation to take the top over the mind.

Finding out relationships began, and your offense is looking for a way out? Try not to touch the personal moments and characteristics of the interlocutor: do not insult a person or his loved ones, do not rine the physical condition, nationality or religion. In the process of conflict, you can only discuss the cause of its occurrence and ways of possible permission.

During the scandal, learn to breathe calmly and right. Make some deep breaths until your heartbeat comes to normal. Smooth breathing will help return the composure and become increasingly, which will contribute to a decrease in the degree of heat in statements to each other.

Avoid a protracted conflict with a scandal that occurs, such a tactic behavior as abstraction. Smile to your interlocutor, answer a calm tone or leave the room in which the provocateur is located. Try to the most distracting with other thoughts in order not to be involved in the scandal. The main thing is not how the instigator behaves, but how do you behave at that moment.

When the conflict between the spouses the main thing to watch out for - a mutual insults. Never call each other insulting words and do not bring up the old trouble. If you are a man - keep yourself in the hands on women and children, do not let the tension of negative emotions to unleash your hands. Wife should restrain his tongue, be calm and reasonable. Scandal end sooner or later, and bad feeling can stay for a long time.

When arisen home or office try to avoid the scandal of its development. Do not rule out the likelihood that you will have to give way to the other party, to compromise and somewhere to collaborate with him.

The assertion that the fuss is useful, it is absolutely not true, because when clarifying the relationship of high tones is lost not only health (due to moral waste, affecting the physical condition), but also a human face (when under the influence of difficult controlled irritation murdered; hell, after which resume opponents previous attitude to each other becomes difficult or practically impossible).

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