How to behave on the first date with a man

How to behave on the first date with a man

So, happened! Time of thin hints, light flirting ended. He invited you on a date. How to behave on the first date to follow the second? Many girls in front of the first date spend half a day in the beauty salon, paint nails, make hairstyles, massages, masks. For this fuss, the main thing is lost, your personality.

How to make the first date go well?

To begin with, breathe deeply and calm down. A man worries exactly the same as you. Get ready for a date, but without fanaticism.

The clothes should be a suitable case, the hair is laid, makeup natural. You should not run through the head to buy a new dress and make a super manicure, a man, most likely, will not notice anything. And your bad mood and fussiness is necessarily.

Remember that you are you. You have a lot of advantages, a wonderful character, you delicious cook and you can make happiness to any worthy man. You must not seek a man, let them achieve you!

The most important thing is, of course, communication. What should I tell a man on the first date? Tell us about yourself, about what you like, what do you like to do in your free time, try to find points of contact. Listen to a man. Let him reveal next to you.

What should be avoided on the first date?

  • Do not talk about problems. The first date is not the time when you can dump your family problems on a young man. It is not necessary to talk about the sickness of the cat, the twos of the son and the goat colleagues. Men do not like to work vest. Leave these conversations for your girlfriends.
  • Do not immediately build plans for a joint life. Not having time to really meet, you already tell him what will happen when you get married. These conversations will be relevant later when you already recognize each other and realize that your partner also seeks to family and marriage, like you. But on the first date, your dreams of a wedding, house and two kids will take a man as an attempt to encroach on his freedom. It is unlikely that you will then have a second date, so do not hurry.
  • Do not talk about former. It is not necessary to talk in detail about how many men you had, how much did you meet why they broke up. A man will think that you have not forgotten your former and constantly compare it with them.

What to talk about a man on the first date?

  • Talk about him itself. People love to talk about themselves. Ask, what he does, as he likes to spend his free time. Be prepared to listen to his stories about hunting, diving or conquering vertices. Ask the question of his achievements, any man will be happy to tell about their successes, especially seeing your admiring face.
  • Avoid templates. Often a date turns into interviews, because people cannot relax, they talk about the weather, about their studies, work, positions. Try to learn what kind of man likes, how he spends his free time, whether he is often seen with his relatives and friends. So you can understand how you will spend your free time if you become a pair where to walk and with whom to meet.
  • Specify interesting questions. In order for the conversation to be in a dead end, come up with interesting questions to your visa.
    For example, such a question: "What would you do if you had a million dollars?"
    You immediately recognize the favorite pastime of a man, even if it remains a mystery to him.
    "Where would you live if you could move to any place?"
    Perhaps the young man would like to live in a large metropolis or in the suburbs, in any case, this topic can be developed further, to tell about his preferences and come to something that you will unite. These questions will help you better understand the interlocutor and find points of contact.

Conclusion: The most important thing is to behave on a date naturally! Do not waste, try to find out the interlocutor, show yourself from the best side, and the second date will not make yourself wait.

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