How to understand what you fell in love

How to understand what you fell in love

Signs of love among girls of different ages are manifested in different ways. Depending on the age, we arrange different priorities and, accordingly, we behave completely differently.

In adolescence, we do not want to directly open our feelings to the subject of our adoration. We crotko throw the views of the urban or at all pretend that we do not notice it. And if we managed to somehow communicate with him - this is a communication with a strained string.

The older the girl becomes, the better she can control their love. Disappears burning awkwardness, I want to flirt and pay attention to my beloved.

But, despite such different manifestations of this feeling, as a whole, signs that your heart pierced an Amur boom, the same.

Pay more attention to your appearance. Let's start with what falling in love, we start more scrupulously treat how we look. The usual hairstyle no longer seems so good as before, and opening the full wardrobe, it turns out that it is absolutely nothing. Manicure, pedicure, makeup, figure - all this acquires a completely different meaning for a girl in love.

Looking for a reason and the opportunity to see it. You no longer walk with your usual ways. You walk where you can meet it. You go there, where it will certainly appear. You even communicate with those people who communicate with him.

You do not see flaws in it. His manner talk, his jokes, his gestures, habits, voice, look, gait - everything is perfect in it. Everything in it is exactly how you always wanted. It's amazing that so much "how it is necessary" you could immediately find everything in one person.

You are very attentive. With a conversation, you catch every word, each of his phrase has a sacred meaning for you. From the very first of your conversation, you did not lose sight of the details they said.

You become more impulsive. For some reason, the girls in love lick their heads in the literal sense. Now you can break somewhere in the middle of the night, although before in 11 you have already seen the tenth sleep. You can buy expensive underwear, although I used to think "why is it me?". You're noticing little at all and do you immediately.

You are interested in horoscopes. It is very important to know that you really come to each other. Most likely it turns out that this is fate. You begin to convulsely find out what the number and year he was born, who he is on the sign of the zodiac and the Chinese horoscope. After all, only horoscopes are able to give the most reliable facts about your compatibility.

You have become scattered. Love girls are very inattentive, because their thoughts are engaged in one person. No one else can instruct you anything important, because you will still forget everything or you will not even hear. You vita in the clouds, and the struck earthly affairs lost every meaning for you.

From all of the above, you can make the following conclusion: in love, we become very funny and incredibly nice, all our thoughts take up only one person, from which it also depends very and very much.

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