How to admit the boy in love

How to admit the boy in love

Girls are accustomed to getting compliments, gifts and confessions in love from guys. But how to be if you fell in love and want the boy to find out about your feelings? The first step is difficult to do, but perhaps. If the guy does not answer reciprocity, you will cease to torment vague doubts.

How to confess to the love boy's shy girl

In the world there are few girls who directly say about their love. Are you afraid to confess your feelings, looking into the eyes of your beloved? Take advantage in the following ways:

  • love note. Write a conventional note with recognition in love, draw the thematic drawing on it - two lovers of the heart and the like. You can write below beautiful poems. Well, if you write them yourself. Screw a guy's note on a change. But here there is one minus - if the note is anonymous, the boy may not understand from whom Message;
  • use the benefit of civilization. This is the Internet and mobile phone. First, you pay a lot of attention to your beloved - communicate with him on social networks, on Skype, and then write a confession in love. You can send an SMS message with a confession to the boy's phone, if you communicate;
  • original recognition in love. For example, give a guy a soccer ball, if he is interested in football or a disk with a computer game for a birthday or a day of lovers. And to the gift, make a postcard or shoot a sheet with cherished words.

How to confess to love the boy bold girls

Are you not afraid to confess your beloved in your feelings, looking straight in the eyes? It is good, but I do not do recognition in the public. Listen to our advice:

  • choose the right moment. If the boy has a bad mood or something important is busy - time for recognition inappropriate. His reaction will not please you;
  • never ask girlfriends to tell the guy about your feelings. They can say extra words or laugh with him over you;
  • be confident in yourself. You deserve love, and experiencing such a feeling - great happiness. And what will say the object of lust - no matter.

Tell about your feelings in a relaxed or romantic setting. For example, you walk together in the park. Someone whispers his recognition to his mind so that no one hear. The guy will be delighted with these words or just ignores. And you will see his attitude towards you. You can ask the boy about help. For example, ask you to help solve a problem. After that, thank the guy and as if, by the way, tell the cherished words. If he is surprised and not delighted - tell me that you love him as a brother or joked.

How to confess to love the boy with which little familiar

In this case, you will indicate on your feelings:

  • light flirt at parties;
  • dancing with a guy on a disco;
  • the desire to meet and be friends;
  • increased attention to the boy.

If he does not notice these actions, say straight about your feelings. If the result is asked for you - do not worry, you got the first experience of communication with the opposite sex.

How to confess to the love of the boy - the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that girls are undesirable to be the first to confess the boys in love. If the object of sympathy in responding is changed or negatively responds to recognition - girls develop a complex of inferiority, some appear depression. It is best to hint on your feelings and first make friends. You can take interest in the boy's hobby, invite it to the movies or a disco. And you can tell everything to a good friend.

Recognition in love is better than suffering from silently. It will be easier for you after these words, even if there is no reciprocity. So, this is not your fate and somewhere on the planet lives the only one who will love you all my life.

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