How to win a man of scorpion

How to win a man of scorpion

Male Scorpio among other zodiac male representatives is characterized by a strong character and high potential of internal energy. As a rule, the male Scorpion is hidden, does not show his feelings. Few people know because of his poisonous sting that scorpion has a sensitive and vulnerable soul.

Male Scorpio - What is he?

  • Despite his shell, the male scorpion feels very much and guess her with half-clow. Men of this sign apply all their strength to make the desire and dreams of their beloved.
  • It is very difficult to understand such a man, because he hides even the closest people of so many secrets and secrets that they never guess that there is such a man on the mind. Usually, it is possible to penetrate into his inner world only the partner, which "hurt" the sensual strings of his soul and with which he is ready to build a family.
  • Men of this sign are not accustomed to easy victories. If they like the girl, they will definitely seek her. Usually putting a goal, the male Scorpio will never get off the distance, which would be worth it. Scorpions are bold, self-confident men, that as a magnet attracts women. But if you like a male Scorpio, do not forget that, besides the fact that Scorpio is able to carefully care, he is also a player. Not always beautiful actions speak the truth about his attitude to a woman. Often these men experience gambling attraction, they like the process of conquering a woman. No rare those cases when having achieved a response feeling, Scorpio changes the vector of directions and is looking for another partner.
  • But to a more mature age, the Scorpio Men is needed stability and family, so after 35 years old these men begin to look for the keeper of their hearth. Despite the fact that Scorpio surrounds its chief care, provides financial and protects against life problems and difficulties, getting along with such a man too hard. He puts forward too many demands to the lover, which is sometimes very difficult to implement.
  • Male Scorpio is very hidden. His feelings and emotions, he always keeps under the castle. The partners of the Scorpio come in bewilderment when unexpectedly he begins to show aggression towards them. Although such "outbreaks" of poor mood may indicate his jealousy, fear lose their beloved or uncertainty before the future.
  • In the family, Male Scorpio is committed to dominance. He will never allow a woman to command himself and make independently important decisions. At times, Scorpio may even be cruel and despotic, neglecting the opinion of his beloved. Desire to dominate everything and build a family based on Patriarchate, and prevents such men to build reliable and harmonious relationships.

How to conquer a man of scorpion and steal

Men scorpions are strong and self-confident per 100% personality. Scorpions do not like weak people. Whatever feelings he experienced to a woman, her weakness will eventually begin to expose his tough criticism. Usually scorpions pay attention to beautiful and self-confident women. In-depth respect for him causes strong women who have their own life principles and knowledgeable price. Moreover, such character traits must be demonstrated not only to him, but also to all others. Scorpions are gambling players, so they attract complex goals, the achievement of which requires maximum effort.

However, he likes to play with his prey, so if you decide to conquer a scorpion man, be prepared that he will arrange you traps to test you and the power of your character. Scorpions need a special rocky woman in which he will be able to fall in love with the ears.

How to win a man of scorpion - conquer

Despite the fact that after 35 years old, Scorpio is looking for a life companion, to conquer his heart can not every girl. Scorpio, without thinking, dispelled with a partner if she will not approach him at least one criterion. On the one hand, such behavior may seem ruthless, but, on the other hand, it should be aware that this man holds all emotions deep inside himself. Only happy units can access its heart.

  • Often scorpions, offend their chosen by invaders and instructions. In such a situation, the correct position of behavior should be taken. Scorpion like strong personalities, so it is worth to tolerate his behavior and in no case give it to bring you out of itself. Calm and durability on your part can cause aggression in it, however, when the emotions are fed, he will respect the girl and know her the price. Therefore, deciding to conquer the heart of Scorpio, should not turn the relationship in the battlefield.
  • Male Scorpio never avoids marriage. Being confident in his feelings, he will soon make a proposal of his hand and hearts of his partner. True, before deciding to such a step, he will definitely appreciate all the conditions necessary to create a full-fledged family, because It is serious and thorough for this.
  • If we meet with a girl, he is in no hurry to make her proposal, it means that she does not suit him for some criteria. In no case, you should not push it on such a step - a scorpion man is very conservative in such matters and will not tolerate to manipulate them. If you decide to offer it to make a relationship, do not be surprised by a negative reaction from its part.
  • Despite the difficult character, male scorpions are the most reliable and best partners in the relationship. With such a man, any woman will feel like behind a stone wall. The main thing only is to take it as it is and not to try to change it.

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