How to understand a woman

How to understand a woman

Did you think that you absolutely do not know how to understand women? You are not alone, you can not worry. Most men faced the same problem as you. Want to fix it at least a bit? Then we will try to help you.

The first thing you need to learn is that it is not always necessary to try to understand a woman. We will open you a terrible secret - women and often do not know what they want, they seem to be contradictory and windy. Please accept this, and instead of rolling another hysteria, ask a girl directly, which she would like and what you can do for this.

What wants every no exception to a woman is confidence in tomorrow. Looking at you, she should understand that you will be a faithful husband, a caring father, you can provide it and protect if you have. If the girl does not want to make a serious relationship with you, it means that you do not come to some of these criteria.

You must realize that women's thinking is radically different from male. Women have their own logic and their understanding of what is happening. What you may seem absurdity, a woman will not cause any emotions and vice versa. Therefore, do not be angry with your favorite when she does something wrong, accept her as it is, with all its charms and oddities.

Women need constant attention. You have to confess her every day in love, say that it looks great, talking about how the road you is, etc. If a woman does not receive due attention - you will receive another scandal. Everything is simple.

Male is afraid - he will change a woman

Can't understand why your beloved behaves exactly like that, and not otherwise? Do not understand why it is so tied to it unclear how to take stereotypes about relationships? Watch her mom and how to communicate with each other her parents. Women were accustomed to taking the model of relations that they see from childhood. Therefore, looking at your mother-in-law, you will be able to learn not only how your wife will look like in 20-30 years, but also you can easily understand the reasons for the actions of your beloved.

Man-and-women relationship

It is difficult to understand a woman, sometimes it is impossible. First of all, it needs to be loved, appreciate and accept the one that it is. Do not try to change something. Enjoy every second that you spend next to your lover, and then everything will be great.

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