How to seduce a man

How to seduce a man

Men are inherently straightforward. Their way to seek a woman, most often, is primitive, open and transparent. In women, on the contrary: the conquest of a male location is a whole game, flirting, hints, tricks. Each girl has "sleeve" several of their faithful secrets of seduction, but there are several general seduction councils that can be useful.

Appearance plays a huge role in whether a man will pay attention to you or not if you like him. And the point is not in natural data, not in the thickness and length of the hair, not in the subtleties of the waist and the plump lips. Beauty is a more extensive thing. Men appreciate well-groomed women with self-esteem.

Learn a man

Therefore, be sure to follow the condition of your hands, hair, teeth, skin and clothing. Do regular manicure, pedicure and hair removal. Do not be lazy to use creams, oils, balms, serums and masks - this will certainly bring their fruits. The cleanliness of clothes and shoes should also be flawless.


When the girl is well-groomed and gently dressed, she feels confident, and this can not not attract male attention. In cosmetics, it is better to comply with naturalness, emphasizing the eyes and eyebrows. The lip will fit the brilliance of natural tones. Brightly made-up lips risk looking vulgar, and not everyone decide to kiss them.


In the outfit, you should give preference to the dress or skirt, it will emphasize your femininity. Open one of your advantages - Torn the knees, shoulders, back or neckline, the man will not be able to resist. Even if your figure is impeccable, it is important not to overdo it with a demonstration - it can create the impression that you are easily accessible and not modest.

The dress

For all polls, men do not like a high and loud female speech. So in a conversation with the subject of seduction, make your voice low, languid, quiet, this intuitive will make a man listen to you, moves closer, and give a conversation of mystery.

But, despite this, try to talk a bit, listen more, support his conversation themes, ask questions. This will bribe any gentleman. Feel free to make compliments. Men need no less women. Praise important things for him: a reliable car, excellent figure, beautiful taste or wonderful sense of humor.


Listen to non-verbal artillery. The main subject of the temptation is gestures, facial expressions and tactile contact. So you not only attract male attention, but also give a sign that it is also interesting for you. Watch a man in the eyes and sometimes on the lips, sometimes lowering the eyelashes, so that the look did not seem too straight and predatory. Smile and try so that the smile is mysterious and mounted. Laugh at his jokes, even if they do not seem very funny to you. A man must appreciate it.

Gestles - the main non-verbal reception. Women from the young age know that on a date it is necessary to throw off the hair back, demonstrating the neck and clavicle, having a hand over the shoulder and chest, thereby unobtrusively draw attention to this part of your body. In the same way, put your hand on the thigh by throwing my leg with one to another. But do not make a male look - he can confuse, and you will give the true purpose of your actions.

Eastept the tactile contact, touch is of great importance in the seduction process. During the conversation, by the way, put your palm on it. Resting for something, slightly squeeze towards the male shoulder, correct him a tie or hair, slightly taking the foot under the table. If a man is already experiencing sympathy for you, then these actions turn his head.

Remember, seduce a man - this does not mean the same evening to lie down with him in bed, in this just there is no big work. Seduce - it means to make thinking about you, desire to see you again, hoping for a kiss and so on. But if a man from the very beginning is set up extremely categorically, or at the moment already in love and happy, it is unlikely that he is unavigible even on the most skilled tricks and tricks. In this case, the girl should find another, more affordable goal.

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