What to write a girl in vkontakte

What to write a girl in vkontakte

The times went into non-existence when the letters were set in envelopes, and the object of passion sometimes remained inappropriate. Find your favorite girl in our time is simpler in social networks. True, another problem occurs: what to write a gaznobe in the first message to interest and continue communication in real life?

The main rule of the novice pickper is no tribalities! Forget the phrases "Hello, how are you?", "Let's get acquainted, beauty" and "Your mother is not needed?". Each second begins the Internet acquaintance with the girl from these boring entry. And if a representative of the fine sex is not deprived of external data, such messages from strangers comes a lot, therefore - you are not original.

Remember that girls rarely themselves show the initiative in communication. Therefore, you should take it into your hands - to choose an interesting topic for conversation, start with an interesting or unexpected issue. Yes, and a sense of humor is an excellent assistant in conquering hearts, especially on the Internet. However, to emphasize the jokes with an excessive amount of emoticons or "brackets". In general, with smiles at first, you need to be careful not to seem too frivolous. In addition, the abundance of non-verbal "garbage" may look evidence of the scarcity of your speech.

If you do not know what to write a girl in the first message, start with studying her page in contact. Watch the wall, interests, photos. Find the topic for which you can "catch up". For example, a great way to comment on Her AVU, especially if the girl on it is captured in some unusual place or an unusual form. True, do not ask "Where are you?" If the girl is posing against the background of the Eiffel Tower.

How to properly communicate-c-guy-online social networks-in-contact

Experienced Internet seductors do not recommend writing messages longer than 100 characters. Overly, a long message is a sign that you really tried and strained to compose something like. There is an old-good rule: the smaller the man tries to conquer the girl, the more chances of doing it. Insert the greatest meaning and emotion in the most concise form.

Do not try to seem smarter than you really are. Write a simple language as if you wrote a good friend, avoiding jargon and mate words. And of course, do not forget about the elementary rules of grammar.

Do not be annoying. If the girl does not respond to the first message, perhaps it makes sense to write second and even the third. But do not insist on acquaintance in a boring manner: "Hello! How are you? "," Let's get acquainted? "," Why are you silent? "," Well, answer something ... "and so on. And even more so one should not be rude a girl if she left your calls for acquaintance without an answer. So, not fate today, try to change the tactics next time or find another object for dating.

Do not overdo the compliments. To tell the girl, what it is beautiful, Divine and unearthly - by no means the best way to meet. It is enough once for the correspondence to say a compliment.

Do not rush to the quarry. No need to boost events and after the first introductory phrases to ask the girl the phone number or insist on the meeting. Most likely your "lady of the heart" will refuse, as you know badly, and what did you do to meet you? Injure it before offer to continue acquaintance in real life.

Remember, your VC page is the first thing that the girl will pay attention to when meeting, so before you start chatting, take care of your "appearance". Maximum interestingly fill out profile, download high-quality photos to make you know closer.

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