How to put the mustard

How to put the mustard

Mustard is in the medicine cabinet at each. Is an indispensable tool for respiratory diseases. Mustard - the easiest, cheapest and most effective way of treatment. However, not everyone knows how to put the mustard. Fortunately, it does not need to have extensive medical knowledge.

Mustard effective when: insomnia, coughing, radiculitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, headache.

Mustard contraindicated in the following symptoms and diseases of hypersensitivity to Sinapismuses, skin diseases, asthma, psoriasis, dermatitis, acute forms of respiratory diseases, tumors, fever (over 37.5 ° C), and pregnancy.

Children put mustard only through gauze for 2-3 minutes. The allowable age of 1 year.

If you do not have contraindications, decide on what area of \u200b\u200bthe body you'll put the yellow card. It is best to consult a doctor. When coughing mustard put between the blades, under the blades, and the front side surface of the chest. When high blood pressure is put on mustard calves. Headaches - in the neck. Avoid sensitive areas, the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart and spine.

Take the yellow card, check its expiration date. On average, it is about 9 months. The assistant must not crumble. Make sure that the smell was sharp mustard.

Place the yellow card horizontally in a bowl of warm water for 15 seconds. The water temperature should be no more than 36-40 degrees. Pulling the assistant, shake off excess water.

Place the yellow card to a selected area of \u200b\u200bmustard down. Cover the patient with a towel and hold yellow card no more than 5 minutes. If the yellow card is strongly burn, place a yellow card between the skin and moist piece of newspaper. If the discomfort does not take place, it is better to finish the procedure.

After you remove the mustard plasters, anoint the place warmed jelly to soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

Every day, mustard can be kept longer and longer. Maximum time - 10 minutes. You can not impose mustard 2 times a day. The course of treatment is about 5 days.

With a runny nurse, the mustard pieces put on the foot of the legs, we put woolen socks on top and keep about 2 hours. After removing the mustard pants hold the legs in warmth.

At the end of the procedure, always wrap the patient with a blanket and sweat with honey or raspberry. Let the patient sleep at least an hour.

After each application of the mustarder, the patient will feel better and better. And after 5 days it will be possible to talk about full recovery.

Comments leave a comment
Maria 05/12/2018 at 9:54.

But really - sequeach few people know how to put mustard films and their children. Although I remember the times of my youth, when there was nothing to be treated except the mustard, there were no syrups like Gedelix, there were no inhalers in the risen. Just so saved. Maybe it was better to have been actively approaching treatment, and not as now.

Marinap 13/09/2019 at 11:32.

It has long been proven that it is a sense of zero. Much better antipyretic funds in this regard help. I myself, for example, I buy Orvis Flu (because he is one of the few, which is suitable for hypertensive) + I try to relax more and drink more clean warm water. It is painless, and more efficient. Quite quickly recovering


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