How to make your own lamp

How to make your own lamp

Interior items made by their own hands are able to fill the house with comfort and warmth. We offer master classes for the manufacture of lamps, which will be able to change the atmosphere in the room, turning into an object of delight from relatives and friends.

How to make a lamp of plastic spoons

Plastic spoons can be used for the manufacture of the lamp as the main material. If you clearly follow the instructions, then the product made by your hands, no one distinguishes from the shop.

Necessary materials:

  • Plastic spoons.
  • Five-liter plastic bottle.
  • Bulb.
  • Adhesive pistol.
  • Scissors or nippers for finishing spoons.

Stages of work:

  • The workflow must begin with cutting spoons from the handles. It is better to use lateral nippers so that everything happens neatly and without plastic damage.
  • Stationery knife cut the bottom of the bottle.
  • The base for the lamp is ready, you can now glue spoons with a convex side outside to the bottle. Put them in a checker, while do not leave the lumen. In fact, work is simple, but it requires scrupulousness and accuracy.
  • You can start a bottle neck. To do this, you need to use the same spoons, but only they need to be glued at a different angle. Connect them in a circle, attached to each other so that the cut-off handle can not be seen.
  • One of the most basic moments in each lamp is an electrician. Do in the lid from the bottle hole, about the thickness of the wire that you will use for the lamp. Grind the wire to the hole, secure the cartridge to it, screw the light bulb. Use only an energy-saving light bulb, because it does not heat up and does not melt your lamp.
  • You can paint the lamp in the shade you need.

How to make a lamp of threads

Fashion on geometry and minimalism does not leave us for several years in a row. Free space and simple forms in the interior fill it with air. The question of the ecology of the decor items is also becoming more and more popular. It is valued, so there is a lot of money. Make a lamp independently and save on it - it seems something unreal. We will demonstrate you that it is not.

Necessary materials:

  • Balloon, for a large lamp, you can use an inflatable ball.
  • Motion cotton thread.
  • Glue for decoupage.
  • Petrolatum.
  • Corn starch.
  • In the store buy a special bowl, which is attached to the chandelier, foam disk, which is attached to the ceiling, a cartridge with a light bulb.
  • Cut off polyethylene or oilcloth to store the floor.

Stages of work:

  • Inflate the ball. No need to blow hard so that it does not burst under the weight of the thread. The ball color should be as bright as possible, it will be seen the location and layers of the thread.
  • Apply a marker marker denoting the future hole for fixing the light bulb. For the circle to be smooth, attach a bowl or cover to the ball, circle a marker.
  • On the floor spread polyethylene, the ball sweat.
  • The surface of the ball is abundantly smeared with a vaseline, you can use another substance. So it will be easier for you to get a ball from the resulting frozen frame.
  • Now proceed to the preparation of adhesive composition. Mix water and glue for decoupage in equal amounts, add to the mixture corn starch. You must have a mixture of the same consistency that was in the adhesive before you were not diluted.
  • The process of making the frame for the lamp is quite long, so it will be much easier to work in a pair. One person will keep a bucket and skip thread through the glue composition, the second wolken it on the ball.
  • It is easier to warm up the thread vertically, then horizontally, then in chaotic order. It is undesirable to allow lumens and holes.
  • When wrap the whole thread, leave the frame from threads and glue for a day for a complete burden.
  • After drying, we jerk balloon, holding the design, so as not to break it.
  • Now you need to safely fix it well, for this use glue in the spray, spray them from a rude thread ball.
  • While everyone will die, you need to prepare a place for mounting. Remove the old chandelier, attach the disc from the foam to the ceiling.
  • Insert a bulb with a carton in the lamp. Next to the hole, tie a fishing transparent fishing line to the threads. Several times stretch the line across so that its dimensions are less than the patron itself. Your lamp shade must hang on the cartridge.
  • Now it's time to fix and check it out.

How to make a lamp from banks

This version of the lamp is my own hands very simple in the manufacture. A minimum of materials, time and strength will go to work, but believe me, you will be delighted with the result. All ingenious simply!

Necessary materials:

  • Transparent Bank (you can use any size).
  • Glass balls (can be bought in aquarium stores or stores of goods for decor).
  • Wool.
  • Alcohol or a little toilet water.
  • Luminescent paint and brush.

Stages of work:

  • Treat inside the can with alcohol with alcohol for degreasing the surface.
  • Brush neatly inside on a donkey banks arrange points.
  • The jar is completely squealing. You can put not only points, but also stains - so from the can there will be more light. When the paint is completely dry, pour out the transparent stones to the bottom so that the light can be won.
  • Such a lamp before use needs recharge - enough to put it on the window sill on a sunny day.

We offered you three interesting ideas of lamps with our own hands. However, such ideas have a huge number, even you, looking around, for sure to see items in the house, from which you can make an interesting exclusive lamp. No need to be afraid to fantasize and experiment, most often from this, decent interior items are obtained.

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