How to make a feeder for birds with your own hands

How to make a feeder for birds with your own hands

Winter bird - a survival time in the struggle for food. Help the birds can make a bird feeder out of scrap materials and poured into it something to eat. And for your children is the motivation for a useful cause. Caring for smaller brothers and help them develop into baby kindness and sympathy.

How to make a bird feeder out of the package

The simplest feeder can be made from the carton of juice or milk. For this purpose, an empty package from both sides of a pair of scissors, cut the windows. Further it is necessary for something to hang the feeder. You can use a wire or rope. Pass through a pre Realized its holes at the top of the package. Carton feeder can hang on a branch. If you do not like the fact that the feeder swinging in the wind, tightly tie it to a tree trunk. This feeder weighs little and it can be hung at the window. Sprinkle the food and wait for the hungry birds.

How to make a bird feeder out of the ordinary plastic bottles

  • In a plastic bottle side make a hole to free the bird could fly there. A bottle with a horizontal hold. Then the wire rope or bind to the spout and the opposite part of the bottle. Hang it on a branch.

  • The second option feeders from a plastic bottle provides a vertical version. Here will be useful even wooden spoons. Do the small round hole in the middle and at the bottom of the bottle. They should be slightly diagonally from each other. Then pass through the holes of a spoon. They will be inclined to the feed (preferably grains) was strewed in the spoons. For traffic tie a rope and hang a bird feeder on a branch.

How to make a bird feeder from a five-liter bottle

In a five liter plastic bottle with a knife and scissors, carefully cut the front side. On the handle, attach the wire feeder to attach the branch or place it under a roof, catching on to something solid.

How to make bread bird feeder

  • The first option provides for a wire and a piece of bread. Give aluminum wire figured form and hang it. Put the bread, he will not fall out and will be maintained thanks to the curved shape of the wire.

  • For the second embodiment of metal mesh feeders needed. Two of the grid should be a good fit for each other, between them put a piece of bread. Grid fix on wooden slats. In order to not get wet bread, to attach to the grid visor from scrap materials.

How to make pumpkin bird feeder

Select a small pumpkin round shape, cut out the middle. The tail (if it is strong) tie a rope and hang on a sturdy branch. Pour food into a pumpkin.

A variety of scrap materials for the production of feeders extensively. It is important to remember a few basic rules: feeder should have a roof, so as not to razmok food; Entrance into the feed trough must be comfortable to the birds; you need to handle all the rough edges so the birds do not get injured.

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