Many owners of private houses or country sites are breeding chickens. This is a great way to solve the problem with the fertilizer of the Earth and provide yourself with poultry meat and eggs. Build a chicken coop is not difficult. In this article tell me how With what materials you can build a house for chickens on its site.
How to make a chicken coop - rules for keeping poultry
Before choosing a chicken coop, you need to familiarize yourself with some features of chickens.
- First you need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe future building. At the same time it is necessary consider, that two birds should have 1 sq. M. m Square.
- After calculating the area, it is necessary to understand that for the full growth and production of eggs, it is necessary for 15-17 hours day. It is impossible without artificial lighting. Moreover, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, the light bulbs are best placed in thick layers of glass.
- In addition to finding indoors, the bird should walk, so there must be a small walking, fenced with grids.
- If the construction will be used all year round, it is necessary to envisage insulation, and it is best to attach a small tambour to the chickenter. So cold air will not penetrate the room to the bird.
How to make a chicken coop - choose a place
All recommendations are taken into account and you can proceed to the selection of space. First of all, the chicken coop should be located on an exalted place. It will save him from flooding during rains. In addition, it is necessary to correctly orient it relative to the parties of the world. The door to the chicken coop is best located with an eastern or western side. So the cold northern wind will not fall inside. The window is best done from the south, it will give the opportunity to extend the day day. Another important aspect, many breeds of chickens are quite restless, so do not have their house in a noisy place.
Materials and tools for the construction of a chicken coop
The place is chosen, now we are preparing the necessary materials and tools. From the tools we need:
- shovel;
- saw;
- hammer;
- level;
- yardstick.
From building materials are needed:
- bars;
- boards;
- oSB sheets;
- nails;
- net;
- brick;
- cement.
If you do not plan a large poultry house, serious foundation is not required. The whole building consists of several stages:
- according to the drawing, It is necessary to score at the corners of the future buildings and pull the cord;
- we carry out the size of the markup;
- remove the soil layer with a depth of about 30 cm;
- we check with the level of flatness lines;
- on the perimeter we build a brick cutter with a step of 1 m (the pits of 50-60 cm deep down with a depth of 50-60 cm.
- After that, it is necessary to give the columns to stand for about five days.
- Now we turn to the construction of the chicken coop. On the pillars with the stele of the draft floor, after which they put the beams. In the distance between them you can pave the insulation and cover all the boards.
- Now you can build the walls. The easiest way to do this with a frame from a bar, which will be laid insulation (mineral wool), after which it is fused by boards or OSB plates.
- Be sure to leave space for windows and doors. The height of the wall should be twisted 180 cm, it will provide a more comfortable stay. After it is necessary to cover all surfaces with an antiseptic and paint into your favorite color.
- The last moment is the construction of the roof. It is best to choose a simple duplex variation. Snow and rain will easily roll off her. To do this, we make flooring, which can be insulated. After that, they fasten the bars knocked down. After that, the rubberoid can be used on them and cove your slate. And, of course, it is necessary to freeze the aviary, providing in the chicken coop of a bird. The area of \u200b\u200bthe walking should be twice the area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken coop.
How to make a chicken coop - internal device
- The walls inside the chicken coop are best bold lime. This will protect against various parasites and the neat appearance.
- On the floor you can lay a straw or sawdust.
- For comfortable placement of birds, it is necessary to build petroleums. They should be placed at an altitude of 70-80 cm from the floor. To do this, you can take a bar, pre-overtake it. It should be borne in mind that for one bird it is necessary to 30 cm.
- To get the chickens, you need to make nests. To do this, we will use wooden boxes filled with straw and from the floor to 30 cm.
- To facilitate cleaning, you can place trays under arstoles that will be convenient to clear.
- It is still necessary to provide drying and feeders. In the form of feeders can perform water pipes with decodes. They are installed vertically and filled with grain. In the hole, the chickens will be free access to the stern. Thus, you do not have to constantly replenish food reserves for birds. As a result of the work performed, you will get a comfortable and warm chicken coop, suitable for year-round use.
This article tells about the independent construction of the chicken coop. A detailed instruction on its installation and an internal device is given. Taking advantage of the information of the article, you will be able to put a good chicken coop in a short time. Successful work.