How to smoke a hookah

How to smoke a hookah

When smoking, you need to pay attention to much. Each little thing is important: the amount of water, the cleanliness of the hookah, the quality and amount of coal, the correctness of the bowls and much more. Not only beginners, sometimes experienced hoaders They turn to the Internet for help, as they do not know all the secrets and intricacies of peeling of the hookah. If you are a beginner, then be prepared for the fact that you may not succeed the first time. This process is considered in detail below.

How to smoke a hookah - cleanliness

The hookah should always be clean. Before use, rinse all its parts, which will eliminate entering light dust.

How to smoke a hookah - on which the hookah smokes

Pour the liquid into the flask. Please note that for each smoking it is necessary to fill in a new liquid, because it is the main filter, and filtered substances are postponed in it. As a liquid, you can use:

  • Milk.
  • Juices (add a more saturated peculiar shade of smoke).
  • Water (does not affect the aroma of tobacco).
  • Alcohol (absinthe, cognac, wine).

All liquids should be diluted with water. Milk and juices in the concentration of 30% - if you pour more, then the air will stretch much harder. Alcoholic drinks are poured in a proportion of 1/7-1/12, the first digit means the amount of alcohol, the second-water. To cool steam, you can add ice to the flask or put on a cooling mouthpiece.

Assembly of a hookah

Connect the mine with the flask. If necessary, put on the sealing gum. To make the air easily, the mine must be plunged into a liquid of 1.5-2 centimeters. Large immersion will not allow you to qualitatively filter smoke and will interfere with traction. Connection the hose to the mine, check the sealing again. Cover the hole at the top of the mine with your finger, and pull the air through the mouthpiece. The hookah can be considered sealed if the air does not stretch. Put on a metal saucer on the upper part of the mine - it will protect you from a random drop in coal.

How to smoke a hookah - installation of a cup

Now install the cup on the mine. There are several methods of how to score tobacco correctly - this is very important. Incorrectly clogged tobacco will burn in the literal sense of the word. But, since you read the article on how to smoke a hookah, suppose that you already know about the ways of clogging the bowl.

How to smoke a hookah - work with kalaud and foil

The cup can be covered calaudWhich is very convenient, or foil. The foil folds 2 times, if you put it in 4, then it will be very difficult to smoke a hookah. Cover with a foil of the bowl, make an elastic tightness in the center and fix the kra, pressing them. Take a needle, make 4 circles from holes and 1 in the center. The smaller the holes, the stronger the hookah will be, respectively, the larger - the softer.

How to smoke a hookah - we kindle coal

Light coal. When using high-quality charcoal, be prepared to spend 5-10 minutes to incite. Yes, this is a long time, but it's worth it. You can mean the entire dressing on high -quality coals, which cannot be said about cheap chemicals that will have to be replaced at least 3 times. For soaking, you can use a gas burner or gas. Place only hot coal on the foil. If you put coal with black spots, be prepared for the fact that when smoking it will become bad: your head will dizzy, weakness will appear and begin to feel sick.

How to smoke a hookah

Lighting also has its own secrets. To quickly smoke a hookah, it is necessary to warm up the bowl and tobacco well. To do this, place the coal on the bowl and wait a couple of minutes while it warms up. To speed up this process, you can build a foil cap. If you need to smoke a hookah faster (you work hoader And you have a lot of orders), put 4 coals instead of 3. Just be extremely careful to use such emergency methods, you need to be able to feel hookah, otherwise you will instantly burn tobacco. When smoking, do light tightening. If you have warmed up tobacco well, then 4-5 puffs will be enough to smoke.

How to smoke a hookah - heat -resistant tobacco

Heat -resistant tobacco. For example, consider Starbazz tobacco, which is such. To smoke it, you will need much more time and be sure to 4 coals. Even if you are good heat A bowl, then here you can not do without good lungs. You can smoke this tobacco with strong, deep puffs.

Please note that when smoking through the body, the greatest blow is going on. Hoaders They can feel dizziness, weakness, nausea, sometimes it comes to vomiting and loss of consciousness. Always smoke the hookah when the hood is turned on or open. If you feel bad - immediately go out into the fresh air, a few breaths will return you to a normal state.

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