How to breed a bonfire

How to breed a bonfire

Situations that requires the presence of knowledge about survival, as a rule, unfavorable for humans. And often tension grows due to ignorance of the most important self-preservation skills. The list of paramount tasks that a person should deal with, being far from a civilized world, is a breeding of fire. The flame will be needed to maintain optimal body temperature, as well as cooking, disinfection of food, drying clothes, lighting in the dark, scolding animals.

How to breed a fire with dry firewood

The most important component of the fire is firewood that must be dry. If these are available, and there is also a lighter or matches, then the process will go without hinders.

  • A place for a bonfire is cleared. A shallow fossa is dug. The recess is done so that burning coals do not fly apart during windy weather. In the presence of stones, it will be more convenient to enclose a bone hole with them, without bothering themselves with digging.
  • Dry leaves are necessarily removed from the main source of combustion, in order to avoid randomly soldered the surrounding area.
  • The collected firewood breaks to the length of the bonfire, so less will have to follow the bonfire.
  • Firewoods are located at a certain distance from the burning bone so that there is no fire.
  • A thin dry branches are placed in the center of the bonfire with a hut. Further, in increasing, a hut of thicker branches is built above them. Shalashik should have an entrance for leaves, grass or paper. The most important nuance is air supply. Fire without oxygen does not burn. Therefore, the twigs should not lie together very tightly!
  • The leaves are set on with matches. If the fire does not burn very confidently, you can try to inflate it. This is done slowly so as not to interfere with flame, but to help.
  • When the branches lit up, larger firewood is placed.

How to breed a bonfire with wet and wet firewood

Even in the case of rain, in the forest there is a dry one, which will help to light the main part of wet firewood.

  • Dead trees. There are fallen, but you can try to carefully blame the standing. Inside is a dry core. It is also checked for dry bark.
  • You should look for twigs, spruce needles, leaves under the main mass of grass, sometimes moisture does not have time to reach them.
  • The mushroom is a tinder. It grows on the trees, from the inside it is forever dry, smolders well. If you adapt, then in the middle of the fungus you can transfer the sparkles of fire over long distances (periodically inflating). The tarnish is divided into two parts. In one half, the middle is a little, the coal is placed there. The second part of the mushroom is placed on the top with a lid.

  • After drying is collected, it is placed in the center of the bonfire.
  • On top, a layer by a layer, wet firewood is placed. From dry to wet, increasing humidity.
  • Around the burning bonfire for drying, there should be the most wet firewood. Thus, you can secure a supply of firewood.

How to dilute a bonfire without matches

What to do when there is no fire at all, or there are few matches, you need to save? Fire can be obtained by caring out sparks with friction. But before starting to make a device for the extraction of fire, knots and flammable grass (like cotton wool) are harvested.

Device 1

Of modern household items, it is very reminiscent of a hanger.

  • We need an arc under voltage, between the ends of which a stretched strong rope is attached.
  • A convenient, flat wood is also taken, and recesses are made in it for the supply of the resulting coal.
  • In this deepening, with the help of a “hanger”, a stick moves (even and dry, without knots).
  • A coal groove is made nearby.
  • The coal, obtained by friction of the stick and boards, falls on the air, where it swells.
  • Slack is added to the flame.

Device 2

  • Need a dry cotton ball.
  • Two wooden boards.
  • Vata is twisted into a tourniquet and placed between the tree.
  • With the help of friction of the boards, fire is mined.

You can get fire if you know all theoretical nuances well, and also not despair. An oppressed and tired person quickly loses hope for salvation. It is important to maintain resistance of the spirit, composure and rest on time.


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