How to make a bed yourself

How to make a bed yourself

Smooth hands wizer will help! Even with a minimum of the material, it is quite realistic to make a beautiful and cheap bed. This will require a fantasy, a bit of seamless and small number Money. As a result, you can get a very original bed, which in no case falls apart and becomes a home highlight.

How to make a bed do it yourself from the pallet

  • Simple and reliable leisure adaptation. Collected in just a few hours. The main materials are wooden pallets, which are commonly used in building stores for shipping. Pallets should be clean, not blurred Machine oil.

  • The design is assembled with bolts, wood screws and boards. When processing pallets you need to play in tetris, and determine what size whenever Future bed. Very original looks wide bed. The height of the bed is adjusted with the help of a dual pallet tier. Load capacity Sufficient boards are sufficient, so do not worry about strength. Also a good addition of the bed will be the back of the same pallet.
  • The whole wooden surface is better to prepare grinding machine or sandpaper manually. Special attention is paid to sites on which there is a mold. If after grinding there is a desire to continue working with processing, the tree follows progress, and cover water-repellent varnish or paint.
  • With the help of such pallets, you can easily and simply make another room furniture, which perfectly fit into the interior.

How to make a hanging bed do it yourself

  • Very spectacular and completely unusual bed of wood. Design Fastened with anchor-type hooks to the ceiling, as well as to walls to ensure better safety, reducing swinging. Such a bed is no worse than the standard on four legs. And if you make the height of the adjustable, then even more times better. There are opinions that under this bed is going more often dust And it is better visible. Dust is going everywhere, and this is not necessary to be afraid.
  • Suspended bed fasten on metal anchor To the concrete ceiling or reliable wooden floors. The design of the bed can be made of pallet or wooden boards assembled together by wood screws and lacquered or paint on a lacquer basis.
  • The bottom is suspended on ropes designed for a certain weight, or on metal chains. Very convenient chains, as it is possible to adjust the height using the links.
  • For a suspension bed, a fair place must be allocated, as it easily comes into motion. If such a bed touches the wall, the felt nozzles are pasted onto her wooden sides. In order to reduce friction.
    If you need to remove the rack of the bed, chains and ropes are changed to the sixtes.

How to make a bed from the boards do it yourself

  • For the manufacture of beds from the boards, they will need materials such as wooden boards, wood screws, glue, varnish. The length and width of the tree depends on the desired size. The average width of such a double bed is about two meters. The average length is about two and a half meters. We need two boards for 2 m and two to 2.5 m, as well as rush overlap for the mattress. The width of the ceiling is calculated depending on the size of the main frame. The height of the bed without legs should be as high as possible, so the boards are selected.
  • If the purchased boards are not cut, they should be selected at home with a manual wood saw. Raw boards with burse can harm the person, so you need to process the surface with a grinding machine or manually sandpaper.
  • Before the start of work follows inform sequencing. Next, on notes and a simple drawing, a frame is assembled with the help of screws and screwdrivers, or drills with nozzle-screwdriver. On a tree, a simple pencil with a roulette is made marking details. The desired parts of the designer will be screwed into place of markup. Overnight and joints are stabbed  sandpaper.

  • Hard to reach places preferably progress And to register. The rest of the parts are laid down after complete assembly. Varnish, in the composition of which there is a solvent, dries several days. Therefore, the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

Everyone can, without any problems, to assemble at home proposed fantastic options. If you connect a fantasy, you can make the design more brighter using the bottom backlight, or adding a clear chromaticity with a transparent lacquer. Also, instead of boards use logs or a timber of different wood species.

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