How to build a swing in the garden

How to build a swing in the garden

What can be more fun and romantic than riding a swing in the yard or garden of your own home. They will be glad everyone - both children and adults. Of course, the easiest way to buy garden swings in the store, but those who know how to keep tools in their hands can make them their own. At the same time, the thing will keep the soul particle of the wizard, and please such swings will be twice as much.

You will need:

  • Boards;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Saw;
  • Drill;
  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Chain.

First you need to decide on the place where you will do swing - it should be close enough to the house so that you, for example, have seen playing children. But at the same time, away from the garden so that no one would hide the landing in the heat of the game. You can set the swing in the shade of the tree, or make a canopy. Well, if a beautiful view will be opened with a swing, you yourself will be able to spend a lot of pleasant minutes on the swing.

The second important solution is the size of the swing and their form. If on your site there is a tree with strong empty branches that will withstand a large load, it makes sense to make suspended swings. If not, it is worth thinking about the installation of support. The easiest option is suspended swings per person. Then you will need only a strong rope and a comfortable seat - you can buy it in the store or make it yourself.

On the tree

In order to make a seat for suspended swings, take the rails: four of them will be short, the rest are long. When calculating the number of rails, proceed from the width of the swing that you need. Short rails will perform the function of the guides and fasten simultaneously. Long rails screw the screws to short, then skip the rope through each pair of short speakes and hang the swing to the horizontal branch of the tree.


But if you have a big family, you will fit big garden swings in the form of a shop. Calculate the dimensions of future swings and, accordingly, the number of sawn timber. If you can not do this yourself, then make an exemplary drawing, necessarily with the desired size, and contact a lumber shop, you calculate the required amount. Unnecessary unused boards can usually be returned. There you can make the necessary cuts if you do not want to do it yourself.

Count 14 boards, disconse 1.5 meters (you can pick up other sizes), drill each board - these are holes for self-tapping screws. This is exactly 7 boards for the backrest seat. Also cut 6 short rails - 50 cm, the seat and back will be attached. All sections and sleeps are treated with hacksaw or sandpaper to avoid the title in the future. The back and seat must be connected at an angle - start with 45 degrees and gradually choose which angle will be suitable for you. Screw the corners from boards-fasteners, drill them with a drill and insert the screws - no less than two pieces.

As a result, you should have three fragments of the frame, which will be attached to long boards - seats and backs. Drill their drill in three places - along the edges and in the middle. And attach with self-drawing to Ramam. Drink two wedge-shaped cuts, screw them to the frames - it will be a support for armrests. Then spill and screw the armrests themselves. At the bottom of the armrest support, drill holes - for screws with a ring. The chain will be attached to these screws. The second pair of screws is attached on the top of the swing frames. The chain is inserted into the rings, aligns the necessary angle of inclination of the swing and hangs on the support.

5 fill

Wooden swings, which will have to be constantly on the street, must be processed to increase the service life and save their appearance. To do this, treat the tree with oil, cover the water-repellent paint. A more expensive option that will preserve the appearance of a natural tree is a coating with a special varnish for yachts.

Make a swing with your own hands is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Of course, for this you will need some time - make all the calculations, buy materials, and, of course, make the entire design. But it will be an exclusive thing made with your personal wishes and preferences.

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