How to get fire

How to get fire

There are many interesting ways to make fire in absolutely different conditions. But not so easy to get the flame of an unprepared person. The combination of knowledge and practice give rise to a valuable experience that can be obtained only in the field atmosphere. Some of the proposed options require volitional effort and time. And also all of them are the consequence of human ingenuity to create utility from nothing.

How to mining the fire by riding cotton

  • Vata is required (mattress).
  • The smooth plane on which the rolling process will occur.
  • Working board for rolling wool, without bitch.
  • The cooked extract for the future campfire (small chips, firewood of different magnitude, dry vegetation).
  • From a piece of wool, about 5 cm in size for 20 cm, a very dense and neat harness is twisted. Its width is 5 cm, and when it rolls more. In order for the wool to be unfolded, the viscosity of saliva and riding between the palms, the board in one direction.
  • The next step will be the strengthening of the new layer of the same size. Regarding the same layer of action are carried out the same, only the finished harness is placed in a new layer and rolled out again.
  • After cooking a two-layer harness, you can engage in the process of its riding between two planes.
  • Active skating gives smoke, it should be checked the fire.

How to mining the fire by riding cotton wool with coal

  • Wool crude, coal dust, two planes. One board is static, the other is in motion. Between the boards rolling roller. Campground.
  • It takes a narrow and long (5 cm for 20 cm) with a cotton strip, coal dust is placed on the length of a thin uniform layer.
  • The roller rolled between the palms, and the board, is fixed using the viscosity of saliva.
  • The harness is warmed up in the process of riding between the boards. There is a drainage that needs to be inflated and further use to be appointed.

How to extract fire with dry vegetable fiber

  • A dry plant with an oblong holistic stem is assembled.
  • Each stem is processed separately. Slim fibers are separated from thicker, not fulfilling processing, material. The collected bunch is loosened by friction between hands.
  • After the pile becomes militant, it is going to one harness. Rolls between palms and boards. The binder link fibers can be saliva, chalk, coal.
  • The same overwhelmed fibers are prepared. The first harness is rolled into a new vegetable layer, binds saliva.
  • When riding between the boards, all moisture leaves. The emerging area is inflated, used for further ignition campfire.

How to extract fire using ice

  • Need a polished piece of clean without ice impurities. For this, a large piece of ice carries the ax or knife.
  • Excessively swashed with a knife, and groved and hand polluted.
  • Previously assembled dry truth for ignition, and laid out on Earth.
  • With the help of the Sun and Grinding Ice, which serves as a conventional magnifying glass, we guide the sun rays into the clutch.
  • We wait until the smoke appears, we blow it down, we put in the fire chips the size of more.
  • If you are cold on the street, and it is not possible to cut down a large piece of ice for an improvised magnifying glass, a shallow tank is useful. Water poured and is given time for full frost. The ice is grained with palm, the magnifier is ready for work.

How to extract fire with water

  • Using conventional water and convex transparent container, you can try to get the fire.
  • Example of flame production with a convex bottle with clean water. It will be needed in advance the cooked clutch for easy ignition. The bottle is fixed in the same position under the rays of the sun, the dry is laid under it flammable material. After some time, the smoke should appear at one point, which will need to be blown if it is necessary.
  • The same method of fire production works with a light bulb, with which the base is neatly twisted.

If suddenly in the garage did not find matches, Bulgarian, a piece of metal, wool or paper will put to the rescue. With the help of sparks carved by a grinder during metal cutting, you can easily get the fire. But most often the skill extraction of fire is required in the conditions of autonomous survival, that is, in the campaign, when the matches are dumbfounded, and to dry them. Or on tourist plates, when the team is set to a campfire to talk for a while.

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