How to split coconut

How to split coconut

Coconut is rich in minerals and vitamins. The coconut milk is famous for the antipyretic effect, and the flesh - raises immunity. When buying such exotic treats, we are confronted with the question, how to split it correctly?

How to split coconut - what is necessary for this

In order to enjoy the coconut to the fullest, namely juice and pulp, it is necessary to split it correctly. Coconut juice, most often called milk, perfectly quenched thirst. The flesh is nutritious and very useful. To split coconut we need:

  • capacity for collecting milk;
  • acute object for puncture of eyes;
  • heavy item for splitting;
  • a spoon for separating the pulp from the peel.


How to split coconut - selection of shock location

  • Before you begin to open a coconut, it is necessary to examine it carefully. The vulnerable place to be considered three eyes. With the help of a sharp item, be something scissors or screwdriver, you can easily pierce them. Through the data of the holes it is necessary to drain coconut juice.

  • To select a place on the coconut for beating a heavy item, you need to form it into three parts. Blows must be applied to the line between one third coconut and its rest.

How to split coconut - step by step instruction

To split coconut needs:

  • with the help of an acute subject punch eyes;
  • drain coconut juice into the container;
  • take the coconut in the hand and with the help of a hammer evenly knock on it, gradually scrolling it;
  • after the coconut splits into two halves, it is necessary to remove the pulp of the peel.

In order to flesh easily separated from the peel, use the spoon. And also place Coconut on the baking sheet and enter the oven for 10 minutes. After these actions, the pulp separated without much effort. If you do not have a nail, then use another sharp object, such as corkscrew, knife, scissors, etc. If you have no hammer at hand, use any heavy item, such as Gary, Brick, etc. The mined coconut milk can be enjoyed or applying in cooking.

With the right approach to this issue you will get a delicious, as well as a useful milk and flesh. Solve coconut is not difficult if you adhere to the above instruction.

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