How to brew tea with milk

How to brew tea with milk

Tea with milk is most like in England, although there are also milk tea in Asian traditions, but it is brewed for another technology. And in principle, these are two different drinks. There are several ways and methods of brewing tea with milk. They are all right and justified what you choose to solve you.

Brew tea: Take a boiling kettle, pour boiling water into it - it will warm it. Then pour water. Put two tablespoons of welding and pour very hot water - not boiling water, let water cool a little. It will better reveal the taste of tea. Take the mug and pour milk into it - just a cold or room temperature. Then pour a thin teelling tea. That is how the tea with milk in England began to drink. It happened due to the value and subtlety of the porcelain, the fact is that hot tea, poured into a thin porcelain cup, could split it. Therefore, the British began to pour into a mug of milk, well, and then hot tea - thus, the temperature was aligned, and the cup remained the whole.


Now the technology has changed: in a circle with brewed tea (a bag of brewing exactly 2 minutes) it is necessary to pour heated milk. Then let the drip cool and drink tea over the next 17 minutes. After this segment of time, he loses its useful properties. The proportions are as follows: on 200 ml of tea, 10 ml of milk. Not so long ago, such a formula of perfect tea was brought out in England.

In English2.

In Asia, tea drink differently. Here the milk is used not as an additive, but the main ingredient - it is in it that tea is brewed. Tea is the best Puer - rinse with boiling water and then pour out in a saucepan. 3 teaspoons on half a liter of milk. Milk also pour into the saucepan and on the quiet fire to be brought to a boil, constantly stirring. Then add spices - cardamon, cinnamon, vanilla - and remove from the stove. Let it cool so as not to burn, and spill around the cups.

Tea with milk has a double effect - on the one hand, milk neutralizes caffeine in tea, on the other hand facilitates the process of digesting the milk in the stomach and contributes to a better absorption of calcium. So this drink is not only the aromate and tasty, but also extremely useful for the body.

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