How to brew Ivan tea

How to brew Ivan tea

On the magical properties of willow-herb heard, probably everyone. The drink has a powerful healing effect and a great benefit for the maintenance of the body. But just the right infusion of leaves allows you to save all the medicinal properties.

For brewing the best is not suitable dry grass, and willow-fermented tea. The day can be consumed up to 5 g of dried leaves, which is about 4-5 cups of tea ready.

How to brew tea, Ivan - water

To drink brought maximum benefit, herbalist, experts recommend to use spring or well water. If this is not possible, a good brew purified (filtered) water. Do not bring it to a full boil. Catch the moment when the water just begins to boil ( "white boiling"). At this point, the temperature is 96-98 degrees. Thereafter the water must cool down to about 80 degrees.

How to brew tea, Ivan - dishes

Brew willow-herb in a ceramic or glass container. Just before you put the dried leaves in the tea, be sure to rinse it with boiling water. It is believed that tea be sure to warm up, so that the drink has a rich and did not give the foreign smell.

Preparation willow tea

When all the preparatory steps are completed, proceed directly to the welding. Put dry rose-rate of 2-3 small spoons on half a liter of water. Pour boiling water over about a third of the volume of the kettle. After a couple of minutes, add the remaining water. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Kettle is no need to wrap up, just close the lid at room temperature is sufficient.

It is interesting to know: the same portion of welding can be boiled up to 4 times again. Useful properties and rich taste at the same time are practically not lost. And the finished portion of tea can be left for 2-3 days in a cool place. If you wish, it can be heated, but in no case do not bring to a boil!
Ivan tea can be consumed both in heat and chilled.

Ivan fermented tea

Double benefit: Ivan tea with additives

Ivan tea can be brewed not only as an independent drink, but also in combination with other herbs. Here are some examples when the benefits of the leaves of Cyprus will become even more tangible, thanks to the right additives:

  • ivan tea with currant leaves. Black currant is another table of useful substances. And in combination with the leaves of Cyprus, a truly magical healing drink is obtained, which will be excellent helpers to strengthen immunity in the seedling season;

  • ivan tea with mint. An amazing combination with a gentle velvety taste. The drink helps to relax, easier to cope with stressful situations, will save from insomnia. And if you add a few cranberry berries or lingonberries, tea will become not only more useful, but also acquires spicy light sourness;

  • ivan tea with chamomile. In a duet with chamomile, Cyretes enhances its properties. Such tea is a natural preventive and therapeutic agent for problems with intestines, stomach, liver, biliary tracts. The drink helps to improve sleep, remove irritability, relax;

  • ivan tea with lemon. The high content of vitamin C helps to cope with fatigue and improve performance, increases the body's resistance to harmful factors of the external environment. Delicate taste with light sourness is dulling the feeling of hunger, thereby contributing to weight loss;

  • ivan tea with honey. The benefits of honey speak unnecessary, its antiviral and antibacterial properties are known to everyone. Therefore, the Duet of Cyprus and Honey is able to work wonders. Carefully with the drink it is worth being those who are subject to allergic reactions. Therefore, add honey to drink neatly, watching how the body behaves.

There are still many useful recipes, the main component of which is Ivan tea. You yourself can experiment with various additives when brewing and find your favorite combination.

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