How to use proceed milk

How to use proceed milk

Milk is an amazing substance by the level of utility. In addition, even the "corrupted" version, which proceeded milk, finds its application in various industries. First of all, it is, of course, cooking. Well, the skyshest milk "has proven itself" in baking. The simplest recipes of pancakes and pancakes on the masterpieces of cooking cannot claim, but will become an excellent addition to tea, with the cost of a minimum of resources.

Pancakes on the proof milk. In 1 liter of the black milk of the room temperature, add a 0.5-1 teaspoon of soda. Mix and leave for a few minutes. Add 1 egg, sugar, salt, mix. Suck flour, so much that the dough looks like a thick sour cream on consistency. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry pancakes from two sides.

Pancakes on the proof milk. Whip 2-3 eggs. In the resulting foam, add the black milk, salt, sugar. Gently sucking the flour "on the eye" to the dough it turns out more liquid than on the pancakes. We bake pancakes on a preheated pan on a vegetable or butter to ruddy color.

Of the skyshemal milk, great homemade cottage cheese can get. However, ultrapasterized milk for this role is not suitable. The best option, of course, homemade. But the store is also suitable - with a high level of fatty and not long-term storage. Pour the "touched" milk into the pan and put on a small fire. Stirring, bring to a high temperature, but do not let boil. Cool and strain through a gauze folded in several layers. Serum let stroke, leave the residue and spill the cottage cheese in the dishes. In general, about 100 grams of cottage cheese are obtained from milk liter.

An excellent refreshing dish Tarator is also prepared from the Black Milk. Approximately 1-2 purified cucumbers are cut into cubes. A half-table of acidic milk or sources is mixed with a fireproof water, a cucumber is added to a mixture, 1 sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic sliced, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, crushed dill. Cold soup is ready!

From the proof milk are also good and varied desserts. For example, cream dessert. It is necessary to mix with 1 cup of sour cream. Add 2/3 cup sugar, orange grade 1, 1 teaspoon gelatin, diluted in a half pack of water. Beat, pour over molds and put in a fridge for frozen. Before serving on the table, decorate the orange slices.


The skis milk is useful not only in the kitchen. Your skin and hair will also be grateful to you if you beat them with this means. You can do, for example, a mask for dry and weak hair. We mix 1 cup of sour milk and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. We add 2 drops of lavender and rosemary essential oils in the mixture. Tilt your head over the bathroom and apply the mixture, first rub in the roots, after - distribute over the entire length. Take the head with a towel and hold the mask on the hair of 30-40 minutes, after which you wash the shampoo and abundant amount of water.

And for those who are tired of fighting with freckles (although it is worth it?), There is a wonderful agent tested by our grandmothers. Apply the black milk on your cotton disk and wipe your face, it will clean the skin, make it smooth and reduce pigmentation.

Here is such a magic agent - black milk. A very prosaic product may be so helpful.

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