How to Clean Nuts from Shell

How to Clean Nuts from Shell

Nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a nutritious product, and just excellent delicacy. But all this wealth is not so easy to get, because Nature reliably hid him for hard and powerful armor. We will tell you how to easily cope with this Wooden Lars with a secret and get integers, beautiful nuts.

The simplest and acquaintance of many of the childhood way to get the kernel is to crush the shell by foot or leg of the chair. You can still put the nut between the doorpass and the jamb and slowly cover the door. But these methods are not very good: you will not calculate the power - you will get a cashier from the shell and the kernel, and you can still damage the shoes, a chair, and the doors and to disrupt the loops at all.

A small hammer is that you need. Place the nut on the board with a notch for fixing the fetus. Slowly hit the shell from all sides to cracked in several places, and then just remove it. Many people cannot immediately calculate the force of impact, but after a couple of approaches to the projectile, everything is fully established. Fresh and dumping nuts are much worse split, so they are desirable to dry in the oven. Preheat it up to 200 ° C and put fruit for 5-20 minutes in it. The larger the nut and the thickness of the shell, the more time it will be needed. Then remove the nuts, cool down and proceed to work.

For the ridge of walnuts in large numbers at home, a conventional bottle of champagne is often used. Put the walnut on the neck of the bottle with a sharp tip down and hit the fruit hammer. It is advisable to get in the center so that the hammer does not slip on the bottle. As a rule, the shell splits into several petals, and remove the kernel easier. Pull the partitions, and in your hands you will have a beautiful half - the so-called butterfly.

No hammer at hand? No problem! Take a durable knife or a simple canning knife. Insert the edges into a small cloth on top of the nut between two sash and check the shell splits into two halves. Then get the kernel, slightly uploaking it with the same knife edge. This method has two disadvantages: the knife can be inadvertently injected, and the nuts often get to only with pieces. For more security, it is still better to use a special metal pointed wand to remove walnut. And in order to get whole nuts, fill the fruit boiling water and leave for 5-15 minutes. As a result of the shell and partitions soften, and the kernel itself will not change.

After soaking in the water, some types of nuts can be brushed at all without fixtures. For example, the almond shell after scalding boiling water is easy to remove with bare hands. Want to quickly clean the large number of cedar nuts, pistachios, almond or hazelnut? After thermal processing, place them in a tissue bag or plastic bag and roll the rolling pin, and then just select the middle.

If you are quite often mined delicacy from their armor, the industrial walkers will be able to make it great to relieve your work. Now on sale their huge quantity: there is both universal and sharpened for the specific diameter of the fetus. Few, though, they cope with the smallest nuts - cedar. But here it will come to the revenue an ordinary chain-valve.

Purified nuts deteriorate much faster than their fellow in natural armor, and even in the process of storage losing part of the vitamins. Therefore, prick nuts better immediately before use. If you want to have a small supply of purified, then you need to store them in a dark sealed container in a cool room or refrigerator.

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