How to clean chestnuts

How to clean chestnuts

Chestnuts - a delicacy that is firmly associated with France, Paris, Montmartre. Basically, we are familiar with these nuts in literature and cinema, but now they can be purchased in supermarkets. However, inexperienced people are faced with a problem - how to clear this tough nut to crack. There are many ways to clean chestnuts, but they are united by one factor - the heat treatment.

Traditionally, chestnuts roasted over charcoal. After heating, the peel nuts softens and bursts when pressed. In France even have a holiday, when chestnuts roasting on the streets, selling all interested in paper bags. And the smell of roasted chestnuts is carried out in blocks around.

on the coals

At home, you can do without coal. Take a heavy deep frying pan, to heat it and fry the chestnuts on the stove. If you are worried that the shell did not explode, make incisions on the nuts in the form of a cross. Heated and then ostuzhennoy nuts easily burst when pressed, then remove the peel - a trick. Kernel will brown in the film, you can have with it, but you can clean off her with a knife.


Another method of purification of chestnuts - warming in the microwave. Take special dish, it is better if it is with a lid, put in chestnuts, you can make an incision in the tips - the nuts to not burst. And put on the standard mode in the oven for half an hour. Then remove, cool and clean hands.


Similarly, you can clear the chestnuts, warming them in the oven for 10 minutes. Glowing oven to 200 degrees, put the chestnuts on a baking sheet and leave in the oven. Take care that the nuts are not scorched. After heating, the peel softens and you can clean up the chestnuts.

oven crop

It is also possible to boil chestnuts in boiling water, pre-notched circularly shell. Just 10 minutes in boiling water and peel comes off easily. A nice bonus, along with it comes off and plenochka covering nut.


The latter method chestnuts treatment is also associated with a thermal treatment, only this time in the freezer. Freeze the nuts, then dip them in boiling water, remove and allow to soak. Then you can clean the shell.


Cleaning nuts, you can fully enjoy their sweet pulp. Chestnuts are very helpful and tasty, and with their help you can cook a lot of dishes. Also, these nuts are very calories, you can eat only a few pieces and satisfy, while not overloading the stomach. This makes them an excellent component for diets.

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