Beautiful large grapefruit-an fruit. In order for the taste to meet the appearance of the fetus, it does not grieve, you need to first be able to choose a mature and high-quality product, and secondly, clean it correctly. Since we can’t look into the fruit on the store sheet, pay attention to its appearance and, choosing a suitable grapefruit, get ready to “dissect” it.
A ripe grapefruit of a correct rounded shape, light orange with a pinkish tint. The size of the citrus should be proportional to its weight - the harder, the more compressive.In the same way, other citrus fruits are cleaned - oranges, lemon, lime. The finished fruit “fillet” can maintain a shape or break up into pieces, it depends on the degree of maturity, the fetus and your accuracy when cutting. This does not affect the taste, but it is quite on the aesthetics of the presentation.