How to clean champignons

How to clean champignons

Champignons - mushrooms that are grown in artificial conditions. This guarantees their safety for a person. Nevertheless, champignons should not be eaten without the cleaning process.

Mud and dust with champignons with a terry napkin or ordinary kitchen sponge. If the mushrooms are small, you can lose their hats each other, in order to remove the dirt.

If champignons are strongly contaminated, place them in a colander and rinse under the jet of water. Do not stand too long to keep mushrooms under water, as they can absorb excessive moisture.

A sharp knife update the cut on the leg. Remove all dark spots, rotten and raised places.

Clear dirt from champignons with flour. Put a little flour into the container with water and place the mushrooms there. Such a mixture will help get rid of hard-to-reach pollution.

Optionally, you can remove the film on the hat, the "skirt" and dark plates under the Hat. Bacteria and disputes are usually accumulated in the "skirt". Plates under a hat give the dish brown color. It is worth noting that the "skirt" and the plates are edible and not poisonous.

After all the proceeds done, laying out champignons on the towel and let them dry. When mushrooms are dry, they can be cut into any way.

Do not store cleansed champignons for a long time. They can be placed in the package and put in the refrigerator for a period no more than a day.

Champignons are very useful, as they contain linoleic acid, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Cleaning mushrooms, you can safely begin to prepare.

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