How to cook akchembry

How to cook akchembry

Gentle meat of mackerel and its qualitative characteristics have long been evaluated by cooking, and in nutritional it is paid to him an important role, since this protein is much faster and easier than meat is absorbed by the body. Mackerel in any form has an excellent taste, it can be cooked, fry, marine, salt, bake, stuffing, smoking, and due to the fact that there are few bones in it, you can cook magnificent fish rolls and useful cakes. This product is harmonious with parsley, lemon and black pepper, her saturated and bright taste does not "love" of specific and fragrant seasonings.

Baked mackerel is suitable for any garnish and perfectly decorate a festive table. Fish-cooked fish and seasoned with lemon juice will give a gentle taste of meat and it will look gastronically quite attractive. Baked mackerel is prepared for two servings so:

  • take 1 large fish and prepare it: wash under cool water, carefully remove the gills and insides;
  • put the mackerel into a deep plate and fogged the cooked sauce (the juice of half of the lemon mixed with 1 t. l. Olive oil);
  • season the fish with salt and pepper outside and inside;
  • cover the container with the fish film and place it in the refrigerator so that it is witched well, at 3-4 hours;
  • after putting a fish on the food foil, lubricate it with glass juice, decorate the remaining lemon (pre-sliced \u200b\u200bsliced \u200b\u200bon small lobes), wrap the foil tightly so that the liquid does not flow out;
  • lay a baking tray in the oven (180 degrees) for 1 hour.

The mackerel of the spicy ambassador is easy to prepare, the ingredients are uncomplicated, and the set of spices you can adjust yourself. Fish without defining Wash, clean, cut into pieces and fold into the container in which it will prepare for two days. Then add all other components to the mackerel, close the container and put it in the refrigerator, periodically reaching it and stirring everything folded. To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • 2-3 mackerel;
  • 3 small sliced \u200b\u200bbulbs;
  • 2 slices of crushed garlic (on an amateur);
  • sugar - 1.5 h.;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salts;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • 6 pcs. pepper peas (you can put 2 pcs. Carnations and a little coriander);
  • bay leaf (2-3 pcs.).

Stuffed mackerel baked in the oven. Meat of the mackerel is perfectly combined with any product, so the filler for the fish can serve any vegetable stuffing (champignons with onions and cheese, assorted vegetables, eggs with cheese). To prepare a mackerel, stuffed with cheese and egg, you will need an easy set of products: 2 small mackerel, 1-2 eggs, lemon, salt, pepper, 1 clove of garlic, parsley, 50 gr. Cheese. Cooking recipe is simple:

  • purified, washed and dried mackerel, cut the tail and head;
  • make a few neat diagonal cuts on the fish cutter, spray and stick it;
  • mix chopped garlic, parsley, grated cheese and eggs on a shallow grater;
  • put the mackerel on the foil, fascinate it tightly with the cooked mixture andogram the lemon juice;
  • turn the foil loosely, be sure to leave the airbag;
  • The dish will be prepared after 30 minutes of baking at 180 degrees.

Mackerel is saturated with useful trace elements (fluorine, calcium, iodine, omega-3, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc) and vitamins, it is able to satisfy the needs of the human body due to its chemical composition. However, it is necessary to remember that this delicious and useful fish should be enhanced by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver and kidney.

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