How to cook fresh-frozen mackerel

How to cook fresh-frozen mackerel

Mackerel is tender, delicious, inexpensive and very useful fish. It can be prepared in many ways to be fried, bake, boil or sprout. Dense meat, with a small amount of bones and a pleasant aroma, will like even the most sophisticated gourmet. In our latitudes, this fish is sold exclusively in ice cream or fresh-frozen. After the catch, it is frozen right on the ship and deliver in this form to the point of sale. To prepare a fresh-frozen mackerel, use our advice.

If you want to carefully and quickly divide the scumbers, then do not defrost it immediately. Hold the carcass at room temperature half an hour so that it becomes softer. A frostbed fish will be very soft, you will be uncomfortable to cut it even the most sharp knife.

Start the fish cutting from cutting off the tail and head. If you are going to plant it, you do not need to cut these parts. Next, spend a sharp knife along the abdomen, from the tail to the head. Gently remove the intestines and black films that can be patched. In some fishing, I can get caught. Do not throw it into any way. Caviar can be fried in a grain or sleeping for sandwiches.

Now that the fish is dropped and is divided, decide what you want to cook out of it. If we decided to bake or fry the whole, then set aside to the scene to the side and take on vegetables for the filling or pillows. For salting fish, prepare a simple brine, from one liter of water and three tablespoons of sea salt, add pepper, bay leaf and other seasonings to taste. Place the fish on the brine and put in the refrigerator for 1 day, periodically turning it over for a uniform salting.

Want to bake a fish in a sleeve or foil, on a vegetable pillow? Cut your favorite vegetables with a thin straw and sprinkle the place where the fish will be lying when baking. Introduce the carcass of the fish with salt from the inside and put an open tummy on vegetables. Cover the foil or tie the sleeve and put in the oven, half an hour with a temperature of 180-200 degrees. It will be very tasty if you add a couple of lemon or lime circles on vegetables. For greater useful dishes, instead of salt, use soy sauce.

For the preparation of soup from the mackerel, fresh-frozen, shaped, but not yet miserable fish must be cut into circles. Lower it in boiling water with the addition of sugar and salt in equal proportions. After 15 minutes of boiling into the broth, add potatoes chopped into small pieces, onions, carrots, barley and spices to taste. JVACK to the readiness of potatoes and get a very tasty, welcome ear.

The last dish of freshly-frozen mackerel is a fillet fried in a chicken or oil. To separate fillet from a carcass, take a solid fish, not yet frozen. If the fish is soft, pre-hold it a couple of hours in the freezer. Cut the head and tail, separate the finishly fins and remove the thin skin. Cut the stomach of fish and remove black films and insides. Put the carcass in the deployed form, the tummy down and press the fingers along the ridge, along the entire length of the back. Exciting effort when pressing, you will hear a quiet crunch of bones separated from meat. Turn the fish and pulling the tail part of the ridge, remove it along with the rib bones.

Fillet obtained cut or fry the whole, having dippeding into the clarity. Correce from eggs and flour, with the addition of salt, pepper and seasoning for fish. Lower meat for frying in boiling oil and fry to a golden crust. Surplus oil remove with a paper napkin. The finished dish is lemon juice.

Cooking fresh-frozen mackerel, invite friends and treat them with delicious fish dishes. The most famous chefs of the world recommend to serve the fish lemon, white sauce and fresh greens. The drink that is most suitable for dishes from sea fish - dry, fragrant, white wine or champagne category Breut.

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