How to stew cabbage in a pan

How to stew cabbage in a pan

Cabbage is a valuable product from which a nutritious and low-calorie dish can be prepared. Cabbage makes casseroles, add it to the pies and baked in the oven. All these preparation methods are considerably popular. However, stewed cabbage in a pan deserves separate attention, since this method of preparation is one of the easiest and most uncomplicated. You can eat the cooked stewed cabbage as a separate dish or use it as a side dish. Thanks to this, the dish will also be useful, since the cabbage contains valuable trace elements, group vitamins C, PP, B.

How to stew cabbage with carrots and tomatoes in a pan

This variant of the preparation of stewed cabbage in a pan is one of the simplest, as it takes no such a large set of products for cooking. In addition, such a dish will also be dietary.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Fresh cabbage 1 Kochan.
  • Tomato paste to taste.
  • Carrot 2 pcs.
  • Onions 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable frying oil.


  • Clean carrots and onions. Cutting the carrot on a large grater, and the bow finely cut.
  • Heat vegetable oil on a spacious pan and add onions with carrots. Fry all the vegetables on slow fire, constantly stirring them. When the bow acquires a golden shade, and carrots will become soft, the fire can be turned off.
  • Wash the cabbage and put it with straw. Add cabbage to bow and carrots in the pan. Sung and stick it, add some water. Cut cabbage with vegetables on medium heat under a closed cup for 25-30 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to periodically check cabbage to readiness.
  • Add the tomato paste to the cabbage, onions and carrots. Keep them simmer under the lid closed on a very low heat for another 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it brew cabbage for another 5-10 minutes.
    The cooked dish can be decorated with vegetables, greens and serve it with a fish or meat dish. For example, with stewed meat.

How to stew cappist with meat

Cabbage prepared by such a recipe is very nutritious and satisfied due to meat contained in dish. It will perfectly complement cabbage and reveal her taste.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Fresh cabbage 1 Kochan.
  • Meat (pork, beef, chicken) 300-400 gr.
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • Onions 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Water 100 ml.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Sugar 1/2 h. L.


  • Rinse meat and let him dry a little. Then cut the meat into small pieces for frying. Preheat the pan and add vegetable oil to it. Add a piece of meat to the pan and fry them on medium heat to a crust.
  • Clean the onions and cut it into small cubes or cut it straw. Add the chopped onion to the root meat and let them roast about 3-5 minutes on low heat.
  • Prepare tomato sauce for frying. To do this, mix the tomato paste with heated water, all ingredients thoroughly mix and add the specified sugar amount. The resulting sauce must be mixed and waited for dissolving sugar.
  • Add sauce to meat with onions, spray and pepper the dish. Meat with onion in sauce let's extinguish 2 minutes under a closed lid on slow fire.
  • Cabbage wash and lie thin straw. Add cabbage to meat and bows with tomato sauce. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Cabbage needs to be extinguished under a closed lid on a weak heat of 30-35 minutes, interfere with periodically.

The cooked dish can be decorated with greens and serve with other vegetables.

All given recipes will help you prepare stewed cabbage in a pan. Each of them requires quite a bit of time and an affordable set of ingredients. By choosing for yourself the most suitable option, you can please yourself and all your closety delicious and healthy dishes.

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