How to cook lazy cabbage rolls

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls

Lazy Mistress Cabsows are prepared in two cases: if there is no time to mess with a classic dish and if the cabbage has lost its commodity look, i.e. She had a little confused or dug the leaves. Leaves need to carefully go through and remove bad. At the same time, lazy cabbage rolls can be prepared by four ways: in the form of meters, in the form of porridge, in the form of pancakes, in the form of a layered casserole.

Products for lazy cabbage rolls

Mandatory products for cabbage rolls are:

  • Cabbage Fresh - 500 g
  • Minced meat or fresh meat - 500 g
  • Fig - 150 g.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

All other ingredients (garlic, spicy herbs, mushrooms, tomato or sour cream sauce, vegetable oil) You will need depending on your taste or the presence of a particular product in a specific recipe.

How to prepare products for lazy cabbage rolls

  • Boil the rice to half-ready (10 minutes) and beat it into the sieve.
  • Meat twist on the meat grinder. Pork, and veal, and chicken, and turkeyatin suitable. You can take one kind of meat or mix anyone.
  • Onions are finely tied.
  • Carrot soda on the grater.
  • Cabbage Touch the finely (for the first two recipes) or divide into separate leaves (for the last recipe).

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in the form of meters

These cabbage rolls like this:

  • In a big bowl, mix boiled rice, minced meat, chopped onion and grated carrots.
  • Add chopped cabbage and spices to the mixture.
  • Salt the mass and pepper.
  • To form small balls from the semi-finished hand and lay them on the baking sheet. It is pre-smeared with vegetable oil.
  • Take a culinary brushes and with its help to dear each ball with vegetable oil.
  • Put the sheet with the cabbage to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bang them to a ruddy crust (approximately 30-35 minutes).
  • Remove the shape with the cabbage from the oven and pour them with a tomato or sour cream sauce.
  • Carbushes in the oven for another 20 minutes. So that they are not burned on top, cover them with food foil.

How to cook lazy cabbage in the form of porridge

This dish can be prepared in a deep frying pan or even a pot of thick bottom:

  • In a frying pan, heralet 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. Fry it to the transparency of onions and carrots.
  • Add mince and tomit until it contains.
  • In the pan with vegetables and minced meat, put a laid cabbage and fry everything together for 10 minutes.
  • Salt the mass and pepper.
  • Add boiled rice and handful of saline mushrooms, chopped very finely. All together extinguish under the lid for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour to the caress of 0.5 or 1 cup of thick tomato juice. Touch under the lid another 5-7 minutes.

By the way, these cabbage can be rolled in banks and get them out of the basement or refrigerator, when there is absolutely no time for cooking. Naturally, banks and lids must be pre-sterilized. After their filling with porridge, the dishes need to be installed in hot water and the products already filled with the products for another 30 minutes (time for cans with a volume of 750 ml).

How to cook lazy cabbage trees

For these kaltsa, the source products must be made separately before readiness. Meant:

  • Rice to cook completely.
  • Minced stuffing with bow and carrot.
  • Lined cabbage boil to softness.

Next, mix the finished products, salt them and pepper and add a handful of fresh greens. Be sure to take a raw egg in the resulting mass - it will associate all the components. These cabbage rolls are roasting in a frying pan as ordinary fritters. Since the mince does not contain any sauce, then apply it separately.

How to prepare lazy cabbage in the form of puff casserole

These cabbage rolls do not require cabbage batch. Just disassemble it on the leaves and slightly take off the kitchen hammer and hide with salt boiling water. Next, cook the dish so:

  • The bottom of the baking molds grease oil. Squeeze the cabbage leaves.
  • Put the third part of the minced meat, rice, bow and carrots on the cabbage. Each layer is sued a little and add pepper.
  • Onions and carrots cover the cabbage leaves. Repeat the second time: meat, rice, onions, carrots.
  • Again, put cabbage, and on it - the third part of the remaining ingredients.
  • Close up cabbage casserole leaves.
  • Take a long thin knife and pour the casserole in several places until the bottom.
  • Fill all tomato or sour cream sauce.
  • Bake the dish in the oven 1 hour.

How to cook tomato and sour cream sauces, look in video rollers.

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