How to clean the liver from film

How to clean the liver from film

The liver is a very healthy and delicious offal, but many do not like it. And the point here is not even a specific taste and a kind of smell. It’s just that the liver needs to be cooked correctly, and not everyone knows how. An important point in the preparation of the liver is its proper cleaning - from the film and bile ducts. If they are not removed, the liver will be bitter, and its taste will be hopelessly spoiled.

Choose pieces of the liver closer to the edge - there are fewer films and bile ducts, which will greatly simplify its processing, and in the taste you will not lose anything. It is also better to take those pieces that were lighter, they belonged to the younger animals.


Prepare a knife, cutting board, a clean bowl for peeled pieces, a handful of large salt. Rinse the liver under water. If you have a frozen liver, do not defrost it strongly, it is easier to clean it in a slightly melted form. If you bought a paired chilled liver, then after washing in running water, place it for several minutes in a bowl of warm water. Rub the liver with coarse salt - this will facilitate the process of removing the films, and also relieve bitterness.

Grind with salt

Choose a place from where it will be easier for you to start cleaning the liver, tidy with a knife or cut a small area of \u200b\u200bthe film, make a thumb under it and carefully advance deep into the liver. When separate all the films, rinse the liver again.

Separate the film

If you have chosen a piece in which there are a lot of veins, you will have to cut it into small pieces to get to all the films in the veins, and clean everything or cut everything with a knife. In the same way, it is necessary to cut the bile ducts and places contaminated with bile.


There is also the subtlety of cutting pork liver - before cleaning it should be either soaked for half a minute in hot water, or scalded with boiling water. In this case, the films will easily separate from the meat.

Water bowl - cut

Each housewife has its own secrets of successful cooking - whether rubbing with salt, soaking in soda or milk, lubrication of mustard, but if you correctly clean and treat the liver, you will not need all these secrets.

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