At the present time, the price of alcohol is too high, and many people can not afford them, so moving or moonshine, or low-quality vodka. But the use of such alcoholic beverages is harmful to health. And then the question arises - to drink or not to drink. To drink, we say, but before you use the surrogate, it must be cleaned of harmful impurities and fusel oils. We'll give you useful tips and tell how in the home of booze with the help of simple cleaning to prepare the product pretty good quality.
One of the most effective and affordable ways to clean vodka is its filtering. As the filtering agents used activated carbon. Tablets should be crushed and wrapped in gauze. The thicker the filter, the better. Then he put in a watering can and slowly strain the vodka. Having a triple cleaning, it will be almost ready to eat. Filter change after each procedure. Activated carbon can be in it to replace wood, but the effect will be weaker. Charcoal is best to pour directly into a container of vodka and infuse for three weeks, shaking daily dishes. Coal (preferably birch wood) is recommended to apply per liter vodka - Fifty grams of coal. At the end of the desired time, strain the vodka through a cotton-gauze filter. The result of such a treatment, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Good-proven treatment of low-quality alcohol products with the help of potassium permanganate. It must pour in the vodka on the basis of grams per liter. Pour, let it brew vodka. After some time on the bottom of the can a precipitate formed and it will be contaminants that are "killed" potassium permanganate. Next, gently pour the alcohol. Watch carefully that the sediment will not get into another bowl. Fused vodka strain through cotton-gauze filter.
One of the old ways to clean the moonshine and vodka with milk is relevant and in our time. We will consider a method that does not require re-distillation. Three liters of vodka pour fifty grams of milk with minimal fat. The resulting liquid must be mixed well and thoroughly clog. Milk will immediately come into the reaction with alcohol - and the sediment will appear at the bottom of the bank. This protein will connect the seawous oils and harmful additives. It is necessary to insist about seven days in a dark place at room temperature. In the first days, the dishes should be regularly shaking, and then vodka should be worthwhile to fall tightly to the bottom. It is necessary to merge a drink to another dishes through a filter of gauze and wool, without disturbing the precipitate.
Fractional of vodka gives a good effect. Cook with a drink must be put in the freezer. When it starts freeze, you need to drain the non-freeze fluid. Water with impurities frozen, and vodka cleared. In the same way, it can be lifted and degree, increasing her fortress. So it turns out to clean not only vodka, but also any drink made on the basis of alcohol.
After cleaning the vodka, you can give her the original taste of simple ways - throw in the can with crust of orange, sulch herbs, pepper pod.