Green Walnut Jam

Green Walnut Jam

Jam is a popular dessert of Slavic and Caucasian peoples. Jam from green walnuts is most widely distributed in the Caucasus due to the fact that walnut trees there are a lot. To prepare an unusual sweetness, it will take some time and patience.

How to choose fruit for jam from green walnut

It is possible to cook tasty jam only in June-July (depending on climatic conditions) when nuts have not yet been dosed. Prepare green fruits of medium-sized dairy-wax ripeness. Make sure the fitness of the nut, pushing it through the toothpick. If you failed it, then the nut is already too old.

How to get rid of the bitterness of green walnut

It's no secret that the peel of walnut is extremely bitter. In order for the jam to be edible, the collected fruits must be asked to the processing. Take 40-50 nuts. Fold them into enameled dishes and fill with cold water for two days. Water change daily two or three times. On the third day, each walnut is pinched with a toothpick or fork in several places. Leave it out of another 7-8 days. Regularly merge bitter water.

Why do I need limestrous water for jam from green walnut

In order to speed up the process of cooking jam for a couple of days, the nuts are soaked in the so-called lime water. Divide 500 g hawed lime in 5 liters of cold water. After 3-4 hours, strain the liquid through the gauze. However, this solution ambiguous affects the human body.

Recipe for jam from green walnuts

In addition to swelling nuts, you will need such a set of ingredients:

  • 600-700 g of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 10-15 carnation boutons;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cut the peel with nuts. In 1.75 liters of water dissolve 1 tsp. citric acid. In this solution, postpone the fruits for another day. Then tapping them for 20 minutes and leave cool. After 24 hours, drain the liquid, rinse the nuts with running water.
Fold in the pan of nuts, sugar, cinnamon and carnation. Pour the glass of water. Weganize 10 minutes and remove from the stove. After a day, put on the slab for half an hour.

Useful properties of jam from green walnuts

Cookies are not in vain crowned walnut jam, because it has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and anticerotic effect. The misunderstanding fruits of walnuts contain a huge list of biologically active substances. This is vitamins C and B, iodine, alkaloids, glycosides, integrated particles. Walnut jams are recommended to use for the treatment and prevention of gout, rheumatism, insomnia, stomatitis, stomach ulcers, liver diseases and heart diseases. Delicacy has only one drawback - high calorie.

This recipe can be improved by adding some spices, such as cardamom, or fruits and berries: apples, lingonberries, plums.

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