How to cook pumpkin juice

How to cook pumpkin juice

Total 300 grams of freshly squeezed pumpkin juices are able to fill the body by the daily rate in vitamins A, group B, C and E; As well as fill the shortcomings of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to a large nutritional, such vegetable juices are not worse than fruit.

To preserve the useful components in the juice, it is important to adhere to some rules for its manufacture. The basic recommendations for the preparation of pumpkin juice are read in this article.

Pumpkin Juice - Rules and Methods for Cooking

Pumpkin is considered homemade lamp. Due to the fact that the vegetable has many nutritional components, he has proven itself as genuine immunity.

One of the simple ways of cooking juice is the use of juicer. Such a device will allow you to quickly and maximize juice from the pulp. Since the pumpkin has a dense structure, the technique is necessary for high speed. Vegetable need to be cleaned from the peel before using it.

Instead of juicer, you can use a blender or meat grinder. After grinding the pulp, it must be well strained through the sieve.

A more troublesome occupation for the extrusion of juice is a manual option. With it, the pumpkin must be grate on the grater, shifting into the gauze and squeeze out. The effectiveness of this method is minimal, but you can use if there is no special technology.

Pumpkin juice itself has a sweet, but very specific taste. Therefore, it is recommended to mix with other juice with a brighter taste. Perfectly combined pumpkin with juice orange, carrots, cranberries and berries.

If there is no opportunity to prepare fresh juice every day, then you can close it and enjoy pumpkin drink in winter.

How to cook pumpkin juice - selection and preparation of vegetable

  • For a saturated taste and bright color it is important to choose the right product. Give your preference to young fruits with a bright orange flesh, which are completely ripe. The weight of the fetus should not exceed 7 kg. Such a pumpkin will contain a greater number of carotene and fructose.
  • If you prefer a sweet taste, then choose the nutmeg varieties of pumpkin or "Spanish".
  • The vegetable is better used immediately after cleaning. Such a product will be whiter juicy.
  • Before using the pumpkin, rinse it thoroughly under running water, then blot with paper towels. Cut apart, well clean from seeds. Rinse the inside and dry.
  • Cut the pulp into small pieces, you will definitely clean the skin. In this form, you can lay the pumpkin in the juicer.
  • If you decide to add other vegetables or fruits, then do it in the process of squeezing pumpkins, gradually adding them in small portions.

Freshly squeezed juice should be immediately used. It can not be stored for a long time, otherwise it will not only lose its useful qualities, but also deteriorate.

How to cook fresh pumpkin juice

Maximum use of vitamins and pumpkin elements can be possible if you immediately use fresh juice. There are several not only delicious recipes, but also useful.

Another product saturated with vitamins is cranberry. The combination of pumpkin with this berry will allow you to prepare a rich cocktail to increase immunity. Instead of sugar, you can add honey.


  • pumpkin flesh - 2 kg;
  • fresh cranberries - 2 kg;
  • honey - to taste.


  • Clean pumpkin flesh, cut into small pieces. Wash cranberry under running water, dry. Alternately squeeze juice from products. So you will achieve homogeneity of the mixture. Then add honey and mix well.
  • If you do not like honey, then use sugar. Add it directly into juice, its crystals will quickly dissolve in the liquid.

Advice. To give the ready-made light sourness dish, add some orange or lemon flesh.

By such a recipe you can prepare various juices and combine pumpkin with other vegetables or fruits. Their ratio determine at its discretion.

How to cook pumpkin juice for the winter

The process of preservation of the pumpkin juice is slightly different from the manufacture of freshly squeezed product. In this case, it is important to adhere to the technology of cooking juice.

The most optimal option for combining and utility products for juice will be apples. They are also rich in minerals. Fruits choose ripe and green varieties, as they are richer than vitamins.


  • purchased pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 250 gr;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  • Sull the juice from pumpkins and apples, mix it in a large container. Separate lemon zest and add to the mixture. Put a saucepan on a slow fire, bring the juice to a temperature of not more than 90 degrees. At this stage, it is important not to allow the mixture to boil!
  • Add sugar, mix the juice well until it is completely dissolved. Leave the mixture on the plate to prepare for 5 minutes, then turn off the fire and run over sterile banks. If you wish, sunk them. Store juice in a cool place.

Prepare useful pumpkin juice at home simply, if you stick to technology and tips in this article. Bon Appetit!

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