How to sew a backpack with your own hands

How to sew a backpack with your own hands

Fashion is a non-permanent thing and over time already forgotten styles and materials are returned. It so happened with backpacks that are now popular. You can go to the store and buy the model you like or attach a little fantasy and create your own accessory. About how it can be done and what will be needed for work, we will tell you in this article.

How to sew a backpack with your own hands - the choice of material

You can go to the sewing store and buy any fabric you like. But you can make an economy option. Surely you have old jeans at home. They are perfect for making a backpack. All that will be needed is to resort them. In addition, you will need:

  • tailor scissors;
  • strips of different color and texture fabric;
  • button;
  • cord;
  • six chalks;
  • fliselin;
  • threads;
  • needles for sewing machine;
  • sewing machine.

When all prepared can be moved to the cutting.

How to sew a backpack with your own hands - do the pattern

It looks like this:

  • the main part of the rectangular shape of 73 * 37 cm;
  • bottom of oval shape of 26 * 16 cm;
  • two strips of material for strains of 100 * 10 cm;
  • valve.

All the details are diagnosed on paper and cut out. On finished patterns, cut the details of the future backpack. After that, you can move to stitching parts.

How to sew a backpack with your own hands - assembly

  • From the phlizelin, we cut three parts for the valve, the housing of the backpack and straps. After that, we take different strips of the fabric and add to them.

  • After that, we connect the two parts of the valve and spend the contour and sew a button.

  • We sew the main part of the product as follows, two parts cut from old jeans, sew on one side. After that, in a gap between them insert the detail decorated with strips and sew. On the sides, you can attach decorative stripes.

  • Next, gently sew the bottom and at the same time we sew straps at the bottom of the backpack. Now it remains to sew our decorative inserts on the straps and insert from the top of the backpack under the valve.

  • After that, at the top, we make a handle from the tissue harness or a strip of denim material. Now it remains to pierce the champs and turn into the resulting holes of the cord. Due to this, the upper part of the product will be tightened and on top to close the flap on the button on the button.

  • The result is a pretty backpack, suitable for both adults and children. If desired, it is possible to decorate it in different ways: buttons; rhinestones; Various stripes and others. It all depends on your taste and fantasy.

This article tells how to sew an independent backpack from the girlfriend. Having attached a little strength and fantasy, you will get an accessory of your own design. You can also sew a similar model as a gift to a friend, and it must appreciate your efforts. Successful work.

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