Patchwork for beginners

Patchwork for beginners

The cozy atmosphere in the house creates a variety of cute things that we create with your own hands. Patchwork Plaid, the heater on the kettle, the picture made of the patchwork - all this patchwork (eng. "Patch" - a patch, "work" - work). In order to master the patchwork technique, novice craftsmen should know several important rules.

To work, you will need:

  • fabric flaps;
  • portnovo chalk or soap;
  • scissors;
  • line and sewing meter;
  • threads;
  • needles and sewing pins.

Learn patchwork better on simple things using triangle patterns, square or rectangle. There are already ready-made sets for work in this technique, or you can come up with a product and make a template yourself. The template is the pattern of the flap of the desired shape. On paper, we draw a detail without letters on the seams, and then, retreating 0.5-0.75 cm from all sides, draw the second outline for points. Cutting both of these contour from dense cardboard, get the desired pattern in the form of a kind of frame.

Before proceeding directly to sew, fabric needs to be prepared. If there is no experience in the technique of patchwork, it is best to use cotton fabrics to work, because they do not slide and do not appear. The fabric is pre-erased, we move out the iron, as in the finished product it can give a shrinkage, lose color. Previously used flap starch and irrigate. It is better to take pieces of the same texture if the product does not require a combination of different tissues.

Now you can start to clarify. Having attached a template to the wrong side of the fabric, draw the port on the outlet or dry slicer of the outlet soap, groining the inner and outer side of the frame. At the outer edge, cut out, and the inner lines are used to cross the parts. Category elements of the product, it is necessary to adhere to the equity filament of the fabric so that there are no skews in the seams when sharp.

First you can try to sew pillowcase on the pillow using square or rectangular patterns. Cutting the required number of details, lay them up in an arbitrary order, and then sew blocks or strips from them. Suts are necessarily carefully smoothed. Strips, folding the front sides inside, we spawn tailor needles on the joints, stitch, smooth the seams. The resulting half of the product is duplicated by phlizelin.

The second detail of the pillowcase can also be made patchwork or simply cut in size from the fabric of suitable color. Both details are stepping in three sides, in an open area we enhance zipper or process open sections with decorative braid, sew buttons and loops from the same braid. On the pillowcase, you can put the finished application.

If you plan to make a rug or panel from dense tissue, then the elements are cut without allowances on the seams. By placing them in the drawing on the lining, fix the portnis needles, and then sew the jack on the lining, silent the edge. Shakes connect with a "zigzag" machine with a wide step.

Having learned to sew simple things, you can improve your skills, applying more complex patterns by creating your own compositions. Patchwork demands from cramping, accuracy, and also develops fantasy and creativity.

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