How to sew the original case on the sofa do it yourself

How to sew the original case on the sofa do it yourself

The sofa is a favorite and integral part of the comfort zone of any household. Here you can place guests for friendly tea drinking or enjoy comfortable viewing of favorite TV shows. Anyway, but this piece of furniture is extremely popular and is in any house. But what to do when the old upholstery is tired, and hauling furniture or her purchase is not affordable? Refreshing the interior will be able to a new case on the sofa, stitched with her own hands. It will be the original and economical output from the current situation. Having even basic knowledge in sewing, you can easily sew a beautiful and stylish case, spending a minimum of finance and effort.

Before starting work, we are convinced that all the necessary tools and materials are at hand.

You will need:

  • Dense fabric (at the request of the leatherette).
  • Threads in tone tissue.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Needles and pins.
  • Centimeter.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Pencil for marking fabric (you can take a piece of dry soap).

Carefully remove the measure to sew the case on the sofa. With the help of a centimeter we measure the measurement of each component separately. At the same time, it is recommended to perceive individual parts of the sofa as rectangles, ignoring the real form of furniture. To the values \u200b\u200bobtained from all sides of the rectangles, add 8 cm of stock to perform seams. It is advisable to make patterns of paper that can be useful for subsequent tailings.

We erase the upholstery fabric from which we plan to sew a case for its complete shrinkage. In this case, you will be sure that the finished product will not sit down after washing and will become a little.

We appline measurements on the cloth using a special pencil or a piece of soap. Apply the markup should be on a flat surface on a pre-stroke fabric. Cutting traditionally produce from the back of the sofa.

To sew a case, the finished patterns lay on the sofa with the involving side and fix the pins to avoid cloth sliding. Also pins fasten parts of the fabric. Right on the sofa we estimate all parts. In this case, it will be easier to repeat all the bends of the furniture. For convenience, we use a thread of another color.

We shoot the product on the sewing machine. We do not forget to leave the allowances of 2-3 cm. Cut up too much and process edges.

The finished cover on the sofa is turned on with their own hands on the front side and again trying. If necessary, correct small disadvantages. The lower part of the cover is processed last and calm. After the product is ready, remove the surrenders and wear a ready-made casing.

To sew a case on a sofa original and creative, it can be decorated with fringe, lace or sewing sofa pillows from the remaining fabric.

If you sew a few covers on a sofa with your own hands, you can not only refresh the interior, but also save a decent amount of money. Bright covers can be changed every season or under mood, without thinking about the extra ravers.

Comments leave a comment
anmok. 03/16/2016 at 16:14

Hello! Looks pretty, but where can I download patterns?

To answer
Edyard 16/04/2016 at 0:51.

Good day! Covers are sewn to your size. See paragraph 1.

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