Sheets on a rubber band or stretch, currently more and more in demand for buyers. But it is not easy to find them on the shelves, so that the quality of the fabric is at the height, and the colors liked. Moreover, if the mattress is high, and the sleeping place is non-standard size. There is a way out - you need to independently sew a sheet on the rubber band.
Advantages of sheets on a rubber band
Now, more and more people, people began to change the old beds and buying beds with orthopedic mattresses. Comfortable sleep - first of all. But often the usual sheet no longer copes with its tasks, during sleep, it constantly gets off with a high mattress and it is often corrected. To sleep is strong, you must purchase a tension sheet. It is convenient, as a good fixation on the mattress is provided.

How to sew a sheet on the rubber band. Fabric measurements and calculation
First you need to measure the width and length of the mattress, write the numbers in the notebook and will still need to measure the height of the mattress.
As for the choice of fabric, buy a cloth designed to sewing bed linen. This is a cotton, bamboo, flax, cooling. A cotton knitted fabric is also suitable, twilty and terry one-sided fabric.
Standard width of such fabrics for sewing bed 2 m 30 cm and up to 3 m. If you like the color and quality of the fabric, but there is no desired width, you can buy a cloth with a width of 1.5 m, and then sew both web (silence "linen).
How to sew a sheet on the rubber band - pattern
Dimensions are available, you need to transfer them to paper. To do this, in a reduced form, it is necessary to draw a triangle, given the stock on the seams. The standard double bed is 162 cm by 202 cm.
The vertices of the rectangle must be postponed on the sides on the length of the bed + at 10-15 cm. These centimeters - allowances for the coverage of the bottom of the mattress plus a row to insert a gum. The following formula will be obtained: 25 cm +10 (or 15) \u003d 35 (40 cm). Note that almost all natural fabrics when washing give shrinkage, so it is desirable to add another 5 cm on each side. Or if you want to sew a sheet exactly according to the description, then you need to proceed with the sewing, wash and try the fabric.
The consumption of the material is: to 1 m 62 cm add 2 times 35. It turns out 2 m 30 cm is the width of the workpiece, and the length will be 2 m 02 cm plus 2 times 35 cm, it turns out 2 m 72 cm.
Important: The manufacturer claims that the width of the fabric for sewing bed is equal to 2 m 20 cm, but in fact it turns out that the fabric is either slightly less or a little more. Often the need to lengthen the fabric. We advise the seam to do where the pillows are located so that he is inconspicuous and did not give discomfort during sleep.
How to sew a sheet on a rubber band - flex
Bending is the part of the fabric that securely holds the sheet and does not allow it to crawl off the mattress. The bed always looks neat. For sewing, you can not do the pattern, but all the measurements are drawn directly on the wrong side of the fabric.
As for the width of the bending of the lower part and the gum, if the treasure is too deep, then the sheet is well fixed on the mattress and certainly not slipping. Just need to take into account that the flow rate will increase. Plus - you will need more on the gum. Standard flap is 7 cm.

How to sew a sheet on elastic
Sew sheet alone so that the angles turned out rounded, not easy. We will have to think more in advance to think about the cloth several times, and the best thing is to note in order not to get confused.
The order of sewing sheets on the rubber band:
- First, the tissue is decisive. It is necessary to place the cut of the tissue into a bowl with warm water, leave for 20 minutes, squeeze, dry and stroke.
- Fabric need to carve out the drawn drawing.
- Angle seams (double seams, a width of about 5 mm) stand for a typewriter, make the leaps on the tips to easily turn the product to the opposite direction.
- Fold the fabric to the front of both halves to each other, take the seam, the width of which is 7 mm, the leaf and cutting sections should be inside.
- It turns out the boxes of fabric without a lid, which can be immediately performed on the mattress.
- On the perimeter of the product you need to firm the scene, just do not forget to leave a place to invent gum.
The edge of the sheets can be issued in several ways: insert the gum only in the corners with a step of 25 cm (for experienced Swi), or insert a gum throughout the perimeter, not a dressing hole. Before washing the gum can be removed, wrapped and stroking sheets, then insert again.
How to sew a sheet on a rubber band, see this video tutorial: