How to make float

How to make float

Fishermen, craftsmen often engage in the manufacture of fishing gear with their own hands. This happens for various reasons - the breakdown of the main gear on fishing or simply as an experiment. Tackles are collected from a variety of materials, but the main characteristic that combines them is buoyancy. Foam, cork, floats, from a goose or other avian bird feather are very popular. Also go balls, syringes, all kinds of natural materials (needles of dickerage, bark, bamboo).

How to make a foam float

Flat float " bolo." and " bable "

  • Since the float is very flat, it is made of more dense foam. It is also called extruded polystyrene foam. Characteristics: It does not crumble, high density, not sinking, easily processed.
  • From the foam with a thickness of about 1 cm, and a diameter of 5 cm (from different sizes) is cut with masters A shape resembling a medieval shield and a scope curve. All values \u200b\u200bare taken with a margin, in order to be able to correct in the case of a workforce. Next with the same masters Extra pieces are cut, so that the foam is more like the final model. With the help of the sandpaper, all sides are grouped.
  • Keel is made of bamboo, length is about 20 cm. Such material is easy to get, dissolving a bamboo stand for hot drinks. The resulting number of floating sticks is enough for a long time.
  • The foam is made through a through hole near Kiel. A wand through the entire piece of foam and fastened with glue. Solvent-based adhesives are not suitable for foam gluing, as it is corrupted.
  • Extra fastening in the form of a glued piece of wire is attached separately. Fastening is needed for reversal in a certain direction.
  • Flat floats can be painted. But not only with solvent-based paints. If, in addition to such a paint, there is nothing at hand, first a few layers of primer for protection are applied, and only then the paint.

How to make a float from the tube

  • Plastic tube is taken from the checkbox. One edge of the tube is seated with fire. The task of fisherman is to do so that water does not get into the cavity.
  • The other edge is heated on fire and flattened by pliers. At the resulting end, a hole for the lock is made. Nipple and fishing line is mounted on it.
  • Next, the float is painted with nail polish.
  • Plus such a float is that it will be very strong, and therefore will serve many seasons. Instead of the tubes from the flags, you can also use syringes, handles, markers, and other material similar in your own image.
  • For sealing instead of fire, sealants or silicone are used.

How to make a float from traffic jam

  • Wine or from under champagne cork is calculated to a certain shape. Sealant flashed all small holes so that the cork does not absorb water. The sealant swings small sandpaper.
  • Next, along the center of the drill, a hole for wire or durable plastic wand is made. The float is pre-fixed in the vice. You should not blame the holes in the stick, because the plug holds the whole design on the way waving.
  • Nipple, fishing line are added. Nail polish is painted in the right colors. In case there is no varnish, you need to know that not all sorts of paints are suitable for work. Coloring paints are selected waterproof.

How to make a feather float

  • Bird floats are obtained in their characteristics very sensitive. Easily react to the shocks of fish.
  • In order to make the float from the pen, you need to clean it from the fluff without damaging the feather itself.
  • For a fishing line, a rubber ring is mounted on the float (cuts off from the rubber nipple), as well as the weight.
  • The float made from the pen is brightly painted. For this, nail polish is suitable.

Floats are stored in special tubes. They are also mastered with their own hands from a cardboard bobbin from under the food film, or PVC pipes, which can then be decorated with khaki type cloth. Thus, the floats are absolutely not necessary to buy, as the materials that are required during the manufacture of floats are often at hand.

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