How to quickly tie laces

How to quickly tie laces

If earlier children were taught to tie the laces already in kindergarten, then at present many first-graders do not know how to do this. And all because almost all shoes are now on velcro and rarely meet shoes on laces. And, nevertheless, learn how to quickly tie the laces, should every person.

When catastrophically lacks time, in the morning every minute on the account, such a simple trifle as the starting of the shoelaces, can take more time than I would like.

How to quickly tie the shoelaces - the garbage knot

This method of tapeding shoelaces came up with Australian Yang Figen more than 20 years ago. It is worth noting that the method is really swift, therefore enjoys colossal popularity.

How to make a nodule on the laces:

  • Laces need to be launched, as usual, tighten the length to adjust the density of shoe coverage on the leg.
  • Now you need to put shoelaces on your palm so that the tips look at different directions. Clearing the laces by nameless, middle finger and the little girl, you need to make 2 loops so that the lace is on two fingers: large and index.
  • The loops need to wrap one for the other so that something like the sea node is like.
  • With these fingers (in the work left hand), you need to take on the loop of the right side, and the opposite hand - for the loop on the left side - the laces are tightly tighten into opposite sides.

How to quickly tie the shoelaces - or whether the nodule is needed?

And this method will appreciate those who love to wear sports shoes. The knot to tie it is optional, you can easily cope without this manipulation.

How to tie a shoelace to the fast way:

  • Load the shoelaces as you like more. Beautifully looks with shoelaces, refilled in the holes of the shoes in the mirror reflection.
  • When the laces are beautifully laced, the remaining tips of the shoelars need to be stretched through the entire lacing from the wrong side. The tips remain inside.
  • To remove sneakers, you need to pull the tip of the lace to weaken the lacing. And to tighten, you need to pull the shoelaces at the top.

How to tie a shoelace with a sliding node

Want to learn how to tie the laces with this node that never unleashes in itself? In this way, athletes are used to not be distracted by trifles during training.

How to tie laces:

  • From the free ends of the shoelaces we make two air loops.
  • We cross the loops, wrap the tip left in the middle.
  • Similarly, wrap the opposite loop in the middle.
  • We remove the tips of the looping out, tighten. The nodule is ready!

Now you know how to quickly tie laces on shoes, and this video tutorial will help master the new method and choose for yourself the best option:

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