Instagram scored great popularity among internet lovers. Just lay out several photos and short videos a week now is boring. Therefore, any user of the Social Network "Instagram" dreams of a huge number of subscribers and the promotion of your own page.
Now the so-called popularity is gaining popularity. hashtegi.. They are customary to add to any photos and videos. By using hashtega Not only your subscribers will be able to see your entry, but all other numerous social network users. Put likes on all photos and videos not only your friends, but also randomly falling people. it cause Interest in your personality and page as a whole. Organize a competition or competition on your page. One of whose rules will be repost or like.Create another page in "Instagram" in order to advertise your account. Lay out a few photos or videos per day, it is advisable to do this at lunch or in the evening. Statistics show that it is at this time most users attend a social network.
Observing all the above rules, you can recruit a large number of subscribers in a short time. But remember, work on the page should be regularly and only then you get expected result.