Hijab is a national handkerchief among Muslim women covering the neck with his head. He can go to the shoulders. The main purpose of the Head Upora is respect for Allah and prevent sexual male attention. If you are going to the countries of the Middle East - no hijab do not do and the lessons on his wear will be useful. A beautifully knitted handkerchief will help create a unique image and look modestly, but attractive.
Tied hijab beautifully - basic rules
Please note the rules of wearing the Muslim female headborne:
- collect on the back of the head in a bundle or tail hair and remove back before the tie of the palatine;
- take advantage of a special sepper, hijab is put on top of it. Muslim girls do it. Capchik hides her hair and will not allow slipping the scarf;
- putting to the hijaba appropriate clothes. Causeing and too open outfit with a Muslim handker is inappropriate;
- choose a handkerchief with a width and a length of at least 1.5 meters, otherwise it will not turn it out beautifully;
- use for fixing the head remove pins, invisible, beautiful broach or hairpin.
Tied hijab beautifully one way
This is the easiest option of covering the head hijab. Your actions are as follows:
- on the forehead line, cover your head with a scarf and close your hair;
- shed tightly hijab pins under the chin. Ends fall down;
- move the left half of the handkerchief on the left over the shoulder and challenge on the back of the head;
- moving the right half, too, on the left side, while covering the head of the head;
- lock the right side of the paletening of a beautiful brother at the temple on the right.
It turns out a cute and slightly flirty female image.
Tie beautifully under the back of the hijab
If you want a magical transformation - tie a handkerchief under the back. You put it on your head along the line of the forehead so that one thing is longer than the second. Ends tie under the back. The edge turn around the forehead and temper on the reverse side. The long tip of the handkerchief wrap around the neck under the back and fasten under the temple on the other side. The free end challenge so in the backbone, so that the headpiece is under the chin, covering the neck with the breast and you were comfortable.
Tie a beautiful hijab - an interesting way
This interesting variant of the palatine tying will create a unique female image. Your actions are as follows:
- cover the hijab head;
- connect the free edges, transfer the right over the shoulder;
- wrap your neck and again transfer its edge to the right under the back of the back;
- repeat the wrapping, but now the hijab is not tight to the neck. He flows on the left side free and beautiful.
Ultimately, the free edge of the scarf is located on the right. Tie this edge with a weak beautiful knot and decorate the original brook.
Show patience and skill when tie a hijab and you will definitely work out. Experiment and come up with the original methods of wearing a handker. You can build on my head the original Turkish turban, decorate the headdress with ribbons or tie a double hijab. Come up with your unique image and will look feminine and attractive.