How to tie a handkerchief man

How to tie a handkerchief man

Fashion trends have a habit of returning, it happened to the male cervical headscarves. This fashion accessory prefers not only creative nature, but also those who follow their appearance. There are no trace from the past pompous chambers - in the fashion of the products of democratic styles. There are several ways to tie a handkerchief depending on the cut and fabric of the product.

Ascot is a rectangular piece of cloth, similar to a scarf. Tie it as follows: Throw on the neck, ends align and cross. Make an ordinary ordinary node, the upper end screeching, distribute the neck. The ends of the handkerchief hide under the shirt, and the top buttons do not fasten the gate.

Fuole is a narrow, long scarf with bright, rich color and unusual ornament. Node, method socks are similar to a tie. Ends of the handkerchief need to be crossed, the right end to lay for the left, make a circle and turn through the knot. Ends should be hidden under a shirt or under a suit, vest.

Plastron is a wide handkerchief, narrowed in the middle and advanced to the base. You can start, like full, or make a regular node and fasten the ends by the pin.

Collect the shawl diagonally and wrap several times to get a scarf, slightly twist. Tie a regular knot. Wear it under a shirt, shifting the knot to the side or hiding the ends under the clothes.

Shark wrap around the neck once and tie a node. You can add a bit of romanticism into the image, shifting the node in the side. Tie it under diving, sweater, jacket, shirt. If the node neatly tighten in the middle and, crossing the ends, consolidate the brooch, it will turn out to be a wedding plastron.

With the help of a cervical scarf, you can diversify the wardrobe and look stylish, elegant. If there are still a tie for business meetings, then for a walk, hike in the theater, the cinema will be appropriate.

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