How to tie a bandana on your head

How to tie a bandana on your head

What accessories are not to decorate beautiful female heads. Not so long ago, women privatized such a male decoration as a bandana. The choice of bandages is very wide, and each fashionista will be able to complement her image with this special and vivid accent. And about how to choose and beautifully tie a bandana on the head, we will talk in this article.

The history of the appearance of an accessory

Initially, the bandana served as protection from the wind and dust of the Spanish peasants of Vakes and American cowboys. It was rather not a scarf, but a piece of natural fabric, which was worn on the neck, so that, if necessary, quickly close the breathing organs from dust. The horsemen of Central Asia wore bandana as a headdress to protect against the scorching sun.

How to choose a bandana

If you want the bandana to successfully approach your image, when choosing you should take into account some points:

  • The color of the bandana must be selected under the upper part of the clothing.
  • If your outfit is in one tone, the bandana should choose any one juicy bright color or with a pattern.
  • We buy Bondans with incomprehensible patterns only to protect from the sun in the country, otherwise we try to avoid them.

Bandana in modern culture

In the modern world, the bandana often talks about the preferences of its owner. It place logos of firms in which the portraits of idols, the symbols of their favorite groups and directions are working. But there are those who do not think about symbolism and wears it simply as a replacement of Panama and an excellent bright accessory.

Methods of tying bandans On the head

To be stylish, it’s not enough to buy gang, you need to learn  bind her beautifully on the head. Correctly tied bondana Able to transform  your image is beyond recognition. Well, in the summer bandana It is simply obliged to become your favorite accessory. Take into service several most popular methods of tying bandans On the head:

  • Classic. Fold gang Twice diagonally until the triangle is formed. We carefully lay it gang in the middle on the head and tie the free ends without touching the hair, so that bandana She sat down tightly on the head.
  • Pirate style. First we bite one of the corners bandans in the direction of the center and drop gang On the head so, h toob It was located strictly above the eyebrow line. Then, carefully laying the free edge on the back of the head, we tie the side ends. You can supplement the image with earrings and a pirate vest.
  • Multi -layer bandana. This will require a rather big bandana. Fold it twice until the square is obtained and then turn it into a triangle. We tie it gang On the back of the head.
  • In the style of the 60s. We make from bandans triangle And bend the hypotenuse of our triangle until a thin and long strip is obtained. We put on a bandage just above the hair growth line or directly above the eyebrows. We tie it A knot on the back of the head, trying not to hurt the hair. Free We either leave the ends to be straightened, or hide under the bandage.
  • Girl option. We make from bandans Triangle and apply on the head. We tie sharp tips in a knot on the neck. We wrap the ends up and carefully twist them into the flagellum, we spread in a loop. Then we tie the corner. So the corners will not hang out and only decorate your hairstyle, giving the image of romance and freshness.
  • Up with trumpets. Gang We put in the triangle and put its base on the neck, and place the top in the center of the forehead. We tie the ends on the forehead in two knots and season the tail.

We examined the most popular wearing options bandans, in fact, there are more than a hundred. And if you decide to replenish your wardrobe bandana - Do not delay. This multifunctional And a universal thing can be not only a decoration, but simply a very useful wardrobe item. And tie it right and beautifully gang Everyone can on the head, the main thing is to tune in, imagine their future image, and you will succeed.

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