Scarf on the head, how beautiful to tie

Scarf on the head, how beautiful to tie

Head scarf - universal detail of the lady toilet, which does not leave fashion for many years. Modern designers advise wearing this accessory with any clothes, ranging from dinged jeans and ending with evening toilets. Learn and you will tie a handkerchief beautifully, and you will always look charming and cute.

Scarf's head, how beautiful to tie - spring-summer variation

On a summer day, tied on the head of the handle, not only helps to protect their hair from the sun and the wind, but also will make a note of romance and mysteriousness into your image.


Roll the handkerchief in the form of a wide strip, make the back. Want to give the face a sly expression? Turn onto the side of the nodule and straighten the tips of the handkerchief by the haunted ears.


Eight bandage - Kosyanka is crossed out of the forehead, but is tied below. A decorative buckle can come in handy here - skip the handkerchief through it, then throw it on your head and tighten the knot under the hair.

Peasant version

It turns out that the peasant women went in the villages of the peasant, it is extremely fashionable and suitable for any age.

Fold the handkerchief diagonally in half. The resulting triangle put the folding line just above the middle of the forehead. Tie a double nodule on the back of the head, put the tips on one to another. Add to this variant a non-lass makeup, a mysterious look, a good smile and - all men from your feet.

Shawl on the head, how beautiful to tie in the autumn-winter season

In cold weather, it is preferable to carry a scarlet from wool, cashmere or polyester, which perfectly fit under the coat, a raincoat, a jacket-cloak.


Fold the handkerchief into the triangle, sketch on the hair without closing the bang. Screw the ends into the chin, turn back, make the knot.


You can warm in winter, you can waters on the head of Chalme from a dense handkerchief, besides, it will give a woman fabulousness and mystery.

Roll from the handkerchief and put it with a wide face on the back of the head. Cross two end of the fabric over the third, which hangs on the forehead, and make them a knot. Squeeze the corner, roll the nodule so that the handkerchief reminds the hat.

Style 60s

The easiest way is a brazer, tied in the style of the legendary beauty of Audrey Hepbrun. Cover the handkerchief, tie it under the chin, squeeze your eyes, a little bit walk through lips - everything is detached, just, but as elegant!

Scarf on the head, how beautiful and extravagantly tie

An unusually tied handkerchief can be unrecognizable to change the female appearance, turning a shy girl into the reckless person, and an arrogant grief - to passionate beauty. Want to experiment? Start.


The headdress in the African style will suit you if you are happy winner of long or lush hair. Space a beam on the back of the head. Sketch on the head of the handkerchief, cross it ends at the forehead level, and then remove backwards. There, twist the ends and move them forward - it turns out the hoop from the fabric around the head. Cross the kink's tips above the forehead, take them back and make it up - this is the second turn around the beam. Fabric edges hide in turban folds.

In Tsygansky

Large triangular handkerchief attach a middle diagonal to the forehead. Crossrest the ends and make them on the side, lower the long part of the brazing on the shoulder. Put on a wide skirt, pick up the ringing jewelry - the image of an unpredictable woman is completed.

PIN-AP style

Originality, shocking, sexuality - all this PIN-AP, the style that originated in the United States at the end of the XIX century, but still the minds of famous couturiers and fashion connoisseurs.

Take a light colorful handkerchief, roll it up with a wide ribbon, throw on your head so that the tips are in front. Tighten them into a soft handsome knot. Get the ends of the Koskyni inward.

Ways to tie a beautiful accessory a lot, find your style, and be sure to carry a scarf on weekdays, holidays, every day because it is fashionable, relevant, feminine.

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