How to tie a scarf on the head

How to tie a scarf on the head

The scarf has long ceased to be only part of the autumn-winter wardrobe. For a year now, this is a fashionable accessory that is suitable for any occasion and season. In order to emphasize the image and add a highlight, you can tie a scarf on the head using one of the following methods.

Select Scarf.

If you think that creating hairstyles with a scarf is a very complex process, then you are mistaken. The main thing that you will need is: the main character of the process is the scarf, 5-7 minutes of time and fantasy. The first thing we do is choose a scarf. It must be harmonized with the rest of the ensemble and approach your hair and skin color. Texture and tailoring are also different, it is worth considering them when choosing a specific way to decorate it.
Next, try to tie a scarf one of the ways you like.

Knitted scarf

In winter, a wide warm scarf can be replaced with caps. It should not be tightly crushed around the neck several times and one of the motors put on the head. Excellent alternative to those who do not like hats or does not want to damage the hairstyle.

Scarf Palaten

Very elegantly the composition will look like, if you throw a scarf on the head, crosswise the ends crossed, and throw one or both ends on my shoulders. You can also fasten one edge on the shoulder brooch either on the belt strap.


Sharf scarf.

Instantly recall the diva of the middle of the last century, if you wear a scarf as a scarf. To do this, you need a square scarf folded in half, put on top of the head and tie under the chin. Immediately you want to add large sunglasses to this image, an outdoor cabriolet and ride to conquer Hollywood.


Very popularly became this way to wear scarves both among young people and among the famous stars. There are many variations in this technique, in order to repeat one of them, you first need to fold a scarf-scarf several times. We take the resulting bandage, apply the head of the head along the hair growth line, take the ends forward and tie. Leave a bow in the middle or side.

If there is enough length, you can not do the knot, and cross the ends in front, start and tie.

As an option, you can tie a scarf as a bandage in front and put hanging ends on the shoulder or leave on your back.

Scarf Bandana

As a bandanna scarf can be dressed in different ways. The main way is to attach a scarf slightly above the eyebrows, and the ends tie into the node on the back of the head.

In addition, you can collect a scarf under the assembly node and wind around the hair.

Scarf Türban

The notes of Eastern Colorite will add a turban from scarf. There are several ways to make this masterpiece on your head. We apply the scarf center on the forehead, wind around the head, intersect the back in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair growth line, and do the knot at the front.

You can also make a multi-layer turban, for this we turn the scarf floors several times, crossing them alternately in front and rear.

Hairstyles with scarves

Scarves are originally woven in the hairstyle. It can be all sorts of braids, bundles, harnesses - everything that is enough for your imagination.

Almost every fashionista has already adopted this universal accessory. After all, in order to look in a new way and unusually, it is not necessary to change the wardrobe, you can only add accents. And the scarf beautifully tied on his head will bring new notes and revitalizes the hazed outfits.

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